PEAX Equipment

Young Kids and Sports


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
My Girls play basketball. The 7th grader has been playing since 2nd grade, and her 10 year old sister plays as well. The 4 year old has been to basketball games every week since September. She loves to dribble and shoot on the lowered rim and emulate her big sisters' practices.

The local State college is putting on a 3 day camp with a division for little kidsm, 4years old to 2nd grade. I'm wondering if it would be worth the $75 to have the little one get a chance to "play" basketball with some other kids or whether I'm better off just playing with her at home, and spend the money on taking the family to the college games?

Is it too early for her to learn good habits?

Whaddya think? and no pissing matches like the moose meat thread....:hump:
Rocky, I've coached jr high varsity as well as 5th &6th graders over the years and I would say keep the money in your pocket. When kids as that young it ends up being more of a social event for and I think you can accomplish much more at home, or even by just going to older kids games. At this age just keep a ball in her hands and have her dribble constantly with both hands. $75 just seems too steep for that age group. Just an opinion. Good luck.
"if" you think it's something she's going to like, I'd spend the money in a minute. I coach AAU and have always said we should have stresses dribbling and shooting at a much earlier age, good form on both. The kids who are taught early are a year or so ahead of the others. If it were a one day deal maybe not, but 3 days, ya.
If it was more simple logistically to take her I think I'd spend the money, As it is My wife is doing tax bookkeeping, I'm doing year end stuff for the company and it would be easier to take her to a day camp on a weekend,...

But I sure appreciate the input guys. Having never played basketball as a kid I sure enjoy watching my girls play.

Last year, my wife and I coached the cobbled together "7th grade" girls CYO team with 1 experienced 7th grader, my 6th grade daughter, and 5 first year 8th graders. My only goal was that every player score a basket during the season and our 1-9 season accomplished that.


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As my dad used to tell my brother and I when we were younger and we were starting families-

Wellll, you know.... The ugliest bull always produces the best looking calves. Nice family!
Nice lookin family. Tell the girls good luck. You're gonna have a blast watching them. The youngest will probably end up being the best player! That's how it happened in my family. Merry Christmas from WI
one good looking family, well , 4 out of 5 anyway!! Between my 5 and 2 step kids, I've had 7 kids through all kind of sports, camps etc. Unless she's just begging to go, I'd save your money. She'll probably learn more from her older sisters anyway.BD
Yeah, good question. It freaks me out how young it seems everyone starts running kids through sports. Mine are 4 and 6, the only organized sports we have taken them too is x-country. Just doesn't seem right, if you want them to have a chance to be on the team when they are older, everyone says you have to get them playing football, basketball, etc, now? Really? Watching 4 and 5 y.o. do sports is like watching someone herding cats.

My 6 year old son is very laid back, not competitive at all, I hope that changes at some point. My 4 yo daughter on the other hand is a competitive freak, maybe a function of being the younger, smaller, girl, sibling. But I will say, she is a true athlete, just "gets it" with everything she tries. You should see her swing a baseball bat! I throw her overhand softy baseballs in the house and she raps it all over the house.
Hey Rock ,nice family ya have there .My motto is the more experience the kids have the better.If the kids give a 100% and enjoy it ,I give them 150% support!!