You guys are all welcome.

Thanks my brother does the same except he shoots around them so as to train them for loud noises.
I am not so much hunting as I am walking around making the animals not fear people with guns thus making actual hunting much easier. :)
Rob - if my success is any indication, you need to walk around a hell of a lot more! The lack of snow has seriously messed me up. Biologist say the elk are in small groups and scattered in the forested areas. Deer are apparently using cloaking technology or more than likely can hear me a mile away.
I have been walking and climbing and crawling all over region 3. I am at a diner in Livingston having thanksgiving dinner. Hunted a BMA near Wilsal today. My last day for the season. Saw nothing. Drive over this morning was interesting though.

I have been doing all the hiking my body is capable of today I hiked from 8 am til dark.
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Just curious but are you spending any time glassing? I can't think of an area where you won't at least see deer this time of year. Sometimes people want to hike so much that they miss a lot of animals around them. Amazing what some time behind the glass can show you. I wish you luck
You may be right today I had planned to focus on following tracks in the fresh snow but there weren't many. I stopped many times and just glassed for up to 30 minutes at a time. I cannot sit for hours and watch the same patch of sage though. If it felt like there were animals around I probably could. Seeing plenty of animals on private ground not open to hunting.

Tuesday was my best day I saw 4 does and a 4 pt mulie which I missed.

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