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At least I won't have to hear John Sterling for another 5 or 6 months. He is painful on the radio waves and he'll be even more pompous next year as the announcer for the defending world champs... yuck.
yeah I guess...but the yanks are like a hunting show where an over hyped host shoots a 200+ wt on a double high fence property that raises 'trophy' game and you pick the animal by the price you pay...I mean...what's the point...of course it works?
.....shrewd my azz;)

Cashman isn't perfect — no GM is — but he certainly made the right choices last offseason when he spent a combined $423.5 million on Sabathia, Burnett and Teixeira.

He also made a shrewd decision the previous winter, when he declined to trade players such as Hughes and center fielder Melky Cabrera for Johan Santana, knowing an even better option — Sabathia — would be available as a free agent the following year.
My biggest interest in the yankees is Jobba Chaimberlin...he's a Husker...has a hell of an arm and I like his!
the Yankees also had the game's highest payroll in 2002, and they did not win the World Series then. They had the game's highest payroll in 2003, and they did not win the World Series then. They had the game's highest payroll in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. They did not win the World Series in any of those years.

This season's iteration of the Yankees was different from all of those. Those clubs were burdened by the presence of vastly overpaid former free agents -- players like Kevin Brown, and Carl Pavano, and Jason Giambi -- who did not, by and large, live up to their considerable contracts. (It's worth noting that the club's payroll in both 2005 and 2008 exceeded this year's).

If one could buy a World Series then how come the Steinbenner's have spent over a Billion in Salaries perhaps since 2000 without a title to their name?

If one could buy a World Series then how come the Steinbenner's have spent over a Billion in Salaries perhaps since 2000 without a title to their name?


finally bought another title. Hip, hip, hooray.
Nemont, the Yankees are playing by the rules allowed by Major League Baseball, but there is a definitive lack of parity based solely on a clubs ability (or willingness) to increase payroll. The fact that the Yankees won 2 World Series, appeared in 4 and played in 6 ALCS in the last decade is no coincidence. They bought the best players the market had to offer.

Teams with middling payrolls can indeed compete with high payrolls, but only for a short amount of time as young, inexpensive talent peaks. So in the American league you essentially end up with a cycling of upper-middle of the pack teams to compete with the Yankees every year.

So I would say that sure, you can't buy a championship but you can certainly buy a playoff spot annually.
I didn't say I loved the Yankee's. If they are within the rules and small market teams cannot compete then the rules need to be changed. All I said was to buying a title label gets old, if money bought the title then they should have won every year.

That being said the players still had to execute.

I am yankee fan thru and thru. But what i don't get is why everyone say they bought another title. Does everyone realize that Steinbenner isn't even the richest owner in mlb. There are owners that have more money but elect not to pay the players so its thier fault. Now don't get me wrong, i think it is discusting what the players make, but its not as lopsided as the figures say. Steinbenner wants to win and does what other owners wont, spend the money. And with all the money spent, where were they last year in october? What teams made it to the WS? Not the yankees....
After it became 4-1, I didn't watch anymore except to check the score... hoping the Phillies could mount a comeback. I felt like the Yankees would win it, but I was hoping the Phillies could somehow beat them. Anybody but the Yankees!
Nemont, the Yankees are playing by the rules allowed by Major League Baseball, but there is a definitive lack of parity based solely on a clubs ability (or willingness) to increase payroll.

Teams with middling payrolls can indeed compete with high payrolls, but only for a short amount of time as young, inexpensive talent peaks. .

What kind of Socialist are you that would attack our system of Capitalism? If the Yankees make more money and invest more money to make more money to invest more money, then more power to them.

If you want to be a Socialist, go move to France and learn to eat croissants.
MNHunter...I'm with's the MLB system that much so that I cant hardly stomach the stuff.'s football and who cares about baseball...LOL ;)
What kind of Socialist are you that would attack our system of Capitalism? If the Yankees make more money and invest more money to make more money to invest more money, then more power to them.

If you want to be a Socialist, go move to France and learn to eat croissants.

I, too, like croissants. The ones that pop out of the little blue can with a bit of sweet butter melting into them. Sometimes I make them with stroganoff (hamburger helper, naturally) to mop up the leftover sauce on the plate.

I'll give you some more brilliant gambling advice. Bet against the Browns, Raiders and Rams (albeit they all have byes this week). CarryOn Monsignor Touche.

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