Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


Lawsuits wont happen until the USFWS makes a decision...likely sometime in late September.

Who knows, maybe there wont be any filed and I can add a wolf hide to my collection...
The bigger outfits might not get involved. Those other groups, the far fringe ones, could. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on a couple of them suing. I would say that they have a case.
Holy smokes SS for once I'm going to agree with you, although if there wasn't the 5 year plan in affect, I'd say that Wyoming is right in making the wolf a predator and lets shoot away.
I was thinking through the wolf issue the other day and it really is interesting that it seems like the most vocal state throughout this mess has been Wyoming and about all you hear is how much the wolves have decimated the elk herds there, but they only have a fraction of the wolves that Idaho and Montana have. I do think the wolves are a primary factor in the dramatic loss of moose in the Jackson area, but really when you think about it, overall the state of Wyoming hasn't been affected by wolves near as much as Idaho and Montana.

I could fill a grizzly tag in Wyoming pretty easy, but filling a wolf tag would take some work even in the northwest part of the state. I've heard wolves while elk hunting in Wyoming, but I've seen several grizzlies.

I wonder if liberal quotas have had as much to do with the reduction in the elk population drops in Wyoming as they have in Montana.
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