PEAX Equipment

Wyoming winter

So far from everything I've hear from friends out there it appears the snow levels are pretty low in most wintering areas and it has been mild until some real below zero temps just came in and have stayed around the last couple weeks.
There are so many variables to answering that question. Nobody can give you a definitive answer. What if next winter is just as bad or worse? What if next winter has well above temps and well below average snowfall and drought sets in? Many parts of Wyoming are still recovering from a couple bad winters just a few years ago.
So how many years does it take to recover from a bad winter

I asked the game warden that question this past fall. He smiled and laughed. As stated above... the next winter, fawn crop, summer feeding conditions, fall harvest rates.... all in all, too many factors for a definitive answer.

good luck to all
the dog
What winter?

Was 49 degrees in Laramie Yesterday...54 in Cheyenne. Hardly any snow as well...
Do mule deer ever "recover" fully it really depends on you're standards. I'm still waiting on the recovery from the 90-91 winter around here.
Do mule deer ever "recover" fully it really depends on you're standards. I'm still waiting on the recovery from the 90-91 winter around here.

Makes me wonder what kind of hunting experience my kids will have when they are of age.
A mild winter will help, but only if there is some moisture at some point. Snow is a double-edged sword. The moisture is absolutely needed, but it is hard on the animals if it gets very deep. There are lots of environmental factors that are making it tough in many areas.

Here, we just got smacked with the EHD thing and they are predicting another dry year. If we have another year like this, there won't be any white-tails left and the mulies are having some brain worm issues.

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