Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyoming Surf and Turf


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
Crazy, CO
Took my father-in-law and my 4yr old on their first antelope hunt last weekend. After a late start from Denver and a late start the next morning we started hunting around 10:30am Friday morning. The bucks were chasing does hard and we couldn’t get one to stand still long enough to shoot. By 1pm we had 8 bucks within 200yds, but none of them would stop moving. At this point my son was prodding grandpa to shoot something so when this buck stopped moving he wacked him. The rifle is a 7mm-08 that I built him for a Christmas present.

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I was a little worried how my son was going to take the blood and guts.I talked him through it like a biology lesson and he was extremely interested.

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Got it on ice and was at the Miracle Mile by 5pm. Enjoyed the sunset watching trout rise, eating tamales smothered in green chili and drinking a dos equis amber. Fished a few hours the next morning and had some success.

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It was a great trip and my father-in-law has already asked me to set up a trip for next year. My son wants to know when I'm buying him a tag and building him a rifle:D
Nice buck and good times. I thought I recognized that area, I use to do a lot of deer hunting in the Shirley mountains near miracle mile, always had a nice camp set up on the river. Good post!
That last pic of the little man is a classic, I love it!

I always use the Biology method with kids, never once have i had one get''Grossed out''
Awesome trip.

Greatest field photo ever. I hope you have an 8 x 10 made of this and put above the fireplace.
Way cool. Everytime I see or take pics with my kids it makes me cringe to think how many pics I'm missing out on because we didn't have the technology we do now. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't have a digital camera as a kid or I'd have 500 scrapbooks full of pics of me and my brothers as 8 year olds holding dead ground squirrels, starlings and english sparrows!!

Congrats again.
Memories that will last a lifetime, for all of you. Thirty years from now, your son will be telling of this trip with his dad and Grandpa. Great job.

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