Wyoming License Increase Bill Dies!!!

That's actually not true, they're given grants from state & federal gov'ts when they take on something new. They were given almost $4.5 million by the state alone in '11. WYF&G also pays ranchers about $500k a year for wildlife crop damage, I'd be willing to be a lot of those ranchers turn around and lease their lands to outfitters or charge trespassing fees to hunt. What they should do is implement a rule that states if a landowner is going to get paid for crop damage then that land should be open to public access for hunting to help reduce further crop damage. But that's probably wishful thinking there.

This link I found interesting. The article isn't anything already known, but the comments at the bottom lead one to believe that WYF&G hasn't managed their finances as well as some people on here think.

1.) what was the $4.5 million for?

2.) crop damage payments are in statute and are not available for budgetary cuts as per the Legislature of the State of Wyoming.

3.) does the 3.5 million cover the cost of monitoring, implementing management plans and other constitutionally defined duties?

4.) anonymous comments from a newspaper blog are not an acceptable source for introduction to a discussion based on facts.
#1---I believe that $4.5 million figure for 2011 may have been a one time payment to help build their new Office in Cheyenne, but I'm not positive.
#2---Yep, and G&F can't just do what was stated without Legislative approval
#3---Don't know
#4---Exactly, and insinuating that they are, as he did, is ridiculous!
4.) anonymous comments from a newspaper blog are not an acceptable source for introduction to a discussion based on facts.

Never stated they were fact, just like you and a few others on here can't state for a fact that they are ran efficiently. Here's what you have, an agency who at one time wasn't losing money, now they are, but yet you want to say they are ran efficiently, even though I've shown a few ways they could cut programs or raise money from other means. Then that agency wants to raise fees, but not look at making cuts, but go ahead and keep stating they are ran efficiently if that makes you feel better. It doesn't really matter what I post, because all a couple of you are going to do is say it's not true, etc, etc, they are ran efficiently.
Never stated they were fact, just like you and a few others on here can't state for a fact that they are ran efficiently. Here's what you have, an agency who at one time wasn't losing money, now they are, but yet you want to say they are ran efficiently, even though I've shown a few ways they could cut programs or raise money from other means. Then that agency wants to raise fees, but not look at making cuts, but go ahead and keep stating they are ran efficiently if that makes you feel better. It doesn't really matter what I post, because all a couple of you are going to do is say it's not true, etc, etc, they are ran efficiently.

1.) you and I have not established if the WGFD has been run efficiently. We have just begun the conversation. This is a complex situation and requires in depth conversation.

2.) we must consider all aspects of the downturn in non-residents. Items such as the recession must be conceded in regards to the downturn in license sales for non-residents nationwide.

3.) please show me where the department has not made budget cuts in response to their current financial situation.

4.) once again, we are simply trying to establish fact in relation to WGFD's financial prudence in relation to their income.
Money could be used in better ways for sure.Example I listend in on the hearing on tag increases it was in november I think. person mentioned that it took 3 fish and game wardens in 3 different trucks to come to his neighbors house to check and register his boat when it could have been done by one warden. Buzz and others on claim to give donations if I understand right,and I bellive them when they say this but how about making it easier for people to make donations.Example every time I apply for my tag I donate some money to access yes and search and rescue. Would it be that hard for the fish and game to put in a donation box in there also for some of there cost. I would not have a problem putting some money in there for them and it would be simple.
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 1,052
Money could be used in better ways for sure.Example I listend in on the hearing on tag increases it was in november I think. person mentioned that it took 3 fish and game wardens in 3 different trucks to come to his neighbors house to check and register his boat when it could have been done by one warden. Buzz and others on claim to give donations if I understand right,and I bellive them when they say this but how about making it easier for people to make donations.Example every time I apply for my tag I donate some money to access yes and search and rescue. Would it be that hard for the fish and game to put in a donation box in there also for some of there cost. I would not have a problem putting some money in there for them and it would be simple.

***So one guy saying that at a meeting and a lot of people extend it out like it's rampant! Who knows whether it was true or not and even if it was a true statement isn't it possible that a dispatch was improperly sent to more than the one person to do that task? It is FACT that they don't get enough donations in either of the checkoff boxes you mentioned to make a dent in what is really needed to run either program, especially the access one, so there is no way another voluntary donation box would do squat. The "average Joe" just talks a lot and doesn't back things up monetarily when give the choice to give or not!!!
NR's...better check out hb236...posted a new topic.

Your fees are going to increase to the same level as 136 stated...celebrated a little too soon I'm afraid.
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 1,052
Money could be used in better ways for sure.Example I listend in on the hearing on tag increases it was in november I think. person mentioned that it took 3 fish and game wardens in 3 different trucks to come to his neighbors house to check and register his boat when it could have been done by one warden. Buzz and others on claim to give donations if I understand right,and I bellive them when they say this but how about making it easier for people to make donations.Example every time I apply for my tag I donate some money to access yes and search and rescue. Would it be that hard for the fish and game to put in a donation box in there also for some of there cost. I would not have a problem putting some money in there for them and it would be simple.

***So one guy saying that at a meeting and a lot of people extend it out like it's rampant! Who knows whether it was true or not and even if it was a true statement isn't it possible that a dispatch was improperly sent to more than the one person to do that task? It is FACT that they don't get enough donations in either of the checkoff boxes you mentioned to make a dent in what is really needed to run either program, especially the access one, so there is no way another voluntary donation box would do squat. The "average Joe" just talks a lot and doesn't back things up monetarily when give the choice to give or not!!!
Dosnt hurt to through some ideas out there. Just my thoughts. Even if the tags do increase I will still hunt Wyoming,after all I can not hunt elk,mule deer,or pronghorn here in the midwest.I may have to spend less money on hotels,gas,and eating joints while out there to hunt.When times got tough at work we were told to tighten our belts,maybe that is what the government needs to do also.
Tag pricing up yonder is as wishy washy as woof can ya or can't ya & archery methodology.:confused:
Tag pricing up yonder is as wishy washy as woof can ya or can't ya & archery methodology.:confused:


Cur dog;

Fish and game agencies across the west are cash strapped and the traditional sources of funding are drying up. This has created an opportunity for groups like SFW to come and offer a solution like ranching for wildlife in order to "help save wildlife." Tag increases might sting a bit, but the general public still remains the major funding source,cand that helps greatly in maintaining the democratic allocation of the wildlife resource.

Until sportsmen nut up and push for meaningful alternative funding of wildlife management that includes a "hands off" component for politicians, we're going to see a continued push for license fee increases and increased pressure to privatize our wildlife.

I agree that NR tag prices are steep. However, maintaining control of wildlife for the common man is more important than a 20% increase on an item that by all accounts is a luxury. I mean honestly, who hunts as a NR for meat?
Here in Missouri we have a dedicated 1/8 cent sales tax that goes to the MDC. It has made our department one of the richest in the country. Unlike the western states that have issues with running out of money, some feel that our problem is the corruption that too much money might cause (or is causing in the eyes of some.) Our department too has many other things, flora and fauna dumped on it besides wildlife management. By having this dedicated sales tax, it helps spread out the expense of running the department to all stake holders, not just the hunters. As a result, we have some of the cheapest tags in the country, all OTC. This may not be the best solution for the western states we all enjoy, but it may go a long way to spreading out the burden. Btw...I'll still be coming regardless of these proposed increases. As was stated early, we dont really hunt out of state for food. It's a hunting vacation.
Love the blanket statements....Are you kidding me? I hunt resident and NR for the meat and am always glad to have it....If you arent then you should probably quit hunting and take up photography.
I dont know anyone who isnt "always glad to have it," myself included. In fact with the exception of bacon, in my household we only eat the wild game and fish from all of the states I hunt and fish each year. My point was in keeping with this being a COST discussion. Let's do some simple math... $7 for my resident doe tag which nets out approx 30 pounds of meat, good. $400 for a NR tag netting the same amount of meat, bad. Lol!! The per pound price of NR hunting isnt done for food alone. Simple enough?? Duh....

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