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Wyoming Hunters

Robert, is the photo below the one that has people commenting? If so, I can see why it raised the ire of so many.


Even as someone who hunts wolves, a photo like that is not a big stretch to follow the dots some are trying to connect that is hardly beneficial to hunting, specifically state regulated wolf hunting.

Maybe the photo was posted in humor, some sort of inside joke, or something. I don't know. If it was to send a message these folks feel strongly about, well, it appears to have done so. It was a pretty stupid thing to post on Al Gore's world wide web. Anyone with much intellect had to realize a photo like that would turn into a big issue in today's world.

Posing as they did; as if they are some sort of KKK-type operation is flat out stupid. If it was posted on this site by someone trying to promote that type of KKK mentality, it would have been taken down.

Associating their wolf hunting activities with a KKK-type operation is not only stupid, but to most of us is flat out offensive. Wolf hunting is not the image I see when I look at the photo. When I see it, it comes across to me as some guys who have some serious issues with a lot of things and they use the successful wolf hunt as a platform to amplify their voice on those bigger issues.

I don't know them, or their motives for doing so, whether serious or humorous. I can only speak to the first response it raised from me when I looked at it. None of which are positive, even to an avid wolf hunter like myself.

I think most here would be pleased to see that they shot a wolf in the WY hunting season. Good for them. Glad to see them participating.

I will defend state-regulated wolf hunting to the ends of the earth, but I won't type a word to defend posting pictures such as that as an image of wolf hunting. If anything, I would comment in a way that would be against all that the photo conveys and the emotions such image is bound to provoke.

My personal opinion; just because it involves wolf hunting does not mean it needs to be defended. Sometimes dumb things are done and it needs to be stated; dumb idea on their part.

It does not surprise me that such a photo results in negative comments on blogs and websites, about the image of Wyoming hunters, or hunters in general. Sometimes hunters can be their own worst enemy in the court of public perception; proof positive with that photo.
People are just plain too touchy about everything. Everything has to be politically correct

That's irrelevant as hell to this picture. It's offensive, for obvious reasons not having a G.D. thing to do with political correctness, but rather, an implied connection to a contingent of ignorant-as-hell Americans that were horribly racist and caused suffering to those that didn't deserve it.

If you hunt and want future Americans to be able to as well, our best bet as hunters is to distance ourselves from garbage like this. How hunters are percieved matters. We in the minority hunt with the approval of the majority, which may be more tenuous than most think.
The picture is dumb as hell; we can either clean up our own ranks or someone will do it for us. I'd rather hunters took on the task instead of those that hate all things hunting.
Look at that picture very carefully. Yes, we have the masks of Old Western Outlaws, a dead wolf along with the Flag. But look at those guns, which one would you choose to go one a Wolf Hunt with? A 30-30 or a shotgun, maybe that New England Single Shot? I think someone it running a charade on the hunting public hoping for a flame up, which they are getting. John
My first impression is that this is another manufactered picture by the wolf lovers to promote more drama and make hunters look bad. I would hope true hunters would never do this.
Look at that picture very carefully. Yes, we have the masks of Old Western Outlaws, a dead wolf along with the Flag. But look at those guns, which one would you choose to go one a Wolf Hunt with? A 30-30 or a shotgun, maybe that New England Single Shot? I think someone it running a charade on the hunting public hoping for a flame up, which they are getting. John

My first impression is that this is another manufactered picture by the wolf lovers to promote more drama and make hunters look bad. I would hope true hunters would never do this.

C'mon guys....I get tired of hearing the "it's probably the antis" excuse every time something like this comes up. Same thing people say when trail cameras come up missing, although we all know it's really other hunters out there stealing from us. This photo was posted on a Wyoming outfitter's Facebook page, with the caption, "Fed up in Wyoming." It is not something concocted by the "wolf lovers."
Look at that picture very carefully. Yes, we have the masks of Old Western Outlaws, a dead wolf along with the Flag. But look at those guns, which one would you choose to go one a Wolf Hunt with? A 30-30 or a shotgun, maybe that New England Single Shot? I think someone it running a charade on the hunting public hoping for a flame up, which they are getting. John

My thoughs too. I'm not a wolf hunter ( because we don't have any here) however, I cannot believe the were hunting wolves with that kind of equipment. . .
Fin, you mean you hope "you don't know any of them" . . . Really a dumb pic to post if it is by legitimate hunters. Sometimes we as hunters cut our own throats with stuff like this.
C'mon guys....I get tired of hearing the "it's probably the antis" excuse every time something like this comes up. Same thing people say when trail cameras come up missing, although we all know it's really other hunters out there stealing from us. This photo was posted on a Wyoming outfitter's Facebook page, with the caption, "Fed up in Wyoming." It is not something concocted by the "wolf lovers."

I agree Oak, I think its legit, but, In our minds we sure don't want it to be!!!
Sure, it's doubtful they were hunting wolves with the shotguns and open-sighted lever actions in the photo, but that's really not the point.

The idea that this photo was planted by the anti-wolf hunting crowd is as implausible as the idea that the hundreds of like-minded anti-wolf commenters full of hate and idiocy who liked and supported the photo on numerous Facebook pages were also moles planted by the anti-wolf hunting crowd.

Sadly, their are plenty of piss-poor representatives of hunters out there and marginalizing them would be our first best step, as opposed to throwing out conspiracy theories.
I have a hard time believing this is some ploy by anti-hunters. In fact, I would call serious BS on that.

As much as we don't want to admit it, there are dumbasses out there who would do this and think it is cute. Then when the crap hits the fry pan, some think the hunting world should rally to their support, just because a wolf was involved.

My opinion remains unchanged - Dumbasses who should have known better.

And now, hunting and more precisely, wolf hunting, take another hit in the public eye. If an outfitter posted something that stupid on his FB page, I don't have any inclination to provide any cover for him.
If an outfitter posted something that stupid on his FB page, I don't have any inclination to provide any cover for him.

I should clarify my statement and say that the FB page where it was posted (Sportsmen Against Wolves) is run by a Wyoming outfitter.
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