Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Wyoming Elk, here we come

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
The truck is packed and the gear is loaded. We are leaving the antelope grounds for the higher country of elk.

Heading to Casper to pick up my buddy Will, waterfowler extraordinaire, for his first elk hunt. I have warned him that packing out a limit of elk will be a little more challenging than a limit of mallards. From there we have a couple hours to get to the unit and scout out some bulls.

Will have camp set up by tonight, and hopefully a few bulls on the map for opening day, which is Thursday.

Hope to have some good pics, and good video is a guarantee.
Wow, finally got here and got camp set up. A very long day driving here, getting up the mountain, and getting camp set up. Will be looking and listening in the morning.

Lots and lots of hunters, which surprises me for a limited unit. But, as a good friend always say when people come near our fishing hole, "They don't know what we know." :p

Let's hope so.

Just now leaving a tire shop in Casper. While driving up the mountain to camp, I had to cross a creek towing our trailer of tents, coolers, and gear. Midstream, I started to sink, so I gunned it and smashed into the far bank, destroying my skid plate, breaking a strut, and rescuing the trailer (and this episode) from the depths of the creek. Tough on equipment, and my noggin when I hit the ceiling, but Troy assures me that the two camera angles will make some of the best truck footage we have to date. Nissan, are you listening?

Just got the pieces fixed and while I was at it, figured I may as well get four new tires. These Cooper tires are the best (and No, they don't sponsor the show). Got four more, just like the old ones, and if they give me 40K of the same kind of miles, I will have got my money's worth. Now, to get back up the mountain before it starts snowing tomorrow.

Good news is that I stopped by the BLM office to get the filming permit, and the guy in charge of permits is an avid hunter. We talked about elk hunting in this area, and when he put his finger on the map, it was directly where we have our camp set up. It is the most rugged area of the unit, so hopefully less hunters will try it. The BLM guy was very helpful. He has a tag in the adjacent unit.

Bad news is that a BLM permit for five days of filming, just lightened the bank by $1,980. Four new tires and a new strut was $1,210. At this rate, I will be robbing banks, just to get home. Good thing this trip is finished when we complete this episode, or I might have to re-mortgage the house to get home.

Forecast is getting worse by the minute. Hope it brings enough snow to help with the hunting, but no so much that we can't get out to the main road. I am less concerned about the snow than I am the thirty miles of gumbo roads that will be impassible when the snow melts.
Don't worry about those roads. They will dry up in a couple of days, and you can just relax in camp and eat elk backstraps. Good luck!
Sounds like you need a rental SUV.... they take a lickin and keep on ticking, even after chit falls off
Sounds like the hunt can only go uphill from here. Glad it wasn't worse crossing the creek.

+1 on the Coopers. I'm on set #4 and love them.

Good luck and keep us posted!!
The truck is packed and the gear is loaded. We are leaving the antelope grounds for the higher country of elk.

Heading to Casper to pick up my buddy Will, waterfowler extraordinaire, for his first elk hunt. I have warned him that packing out a limit of elk will be a little more challenging than a limit of mallards. From there we have a couple hours to get to the unit and scout out some bulls.

Will have camp set up by tonight, and hopefully a few bulls on the map for opening day, which is Thursday.

Hope to have some good pics, and good video is a guarantee.

I totaly agree with your Quote !!!!

Sorry to hear about the expensive start to the hunt! That really does suck. The camera guys are persuasive, but you don't have to do EVERYTHING they say!

I have an idea!! First, I need a a picture of you standing knee deep in the creek next to your truck holding a broken strut. Possibly a shot of you sitting on one of your many broken coolers :rolleyes: holding a piece of cardboard asking for change to get back to MT.

Second, I have some coffee cans I can tape the pics to and place them in various businesses in ND. Since you have a strong following in ND I know I we can get local sportsmen to throw in their loose change and dollars bills to the Randy Relief Fund or RRF. Without a doubt, the lines would be long. I vision myself handing out warm coffee into the wee hours of the night telling the guys "just be patient, it will soon be your turn to give! Randy appreciates your sacrifice so dig deep!!!!" :D

The only glitch in this plan could possibly arise when I am forced to provide further details about the RRF. At this point, I would have to explain you're in WY on your SIXTH big game hunt of the year!! Further, it would quickly become apparent to all you are "LIVIN' THE DREAM". This is where I see my plan imploding. The donations dry up, and fast. A crowd of very angry, camo clad, cowboy boot/hat, snuff chewing, knife wearin' sportsman start cussing you and kicking me (with cowboy boots mind you) mercilessly in the sack! As I lay on the sidewalk, in a mixture of hot coffee and my own vomit from the repeated groin blows, I ponder the idea of distancing myself from you. You seem to be a pretty smart guy and could almost certainly find a way to get home from your eight week western hunting safari without my help.

This looked like a winner until I put it on paper. Now I'm thinking I need to "tweak" my plan a bit!!!

Anyone else have some ideas to help Randy?

I assume the trip to Casper delayed the scouting? Any bull sightings yet? Good luck!
Randy I don't mean to kick you while your down but with the horrible economy and my hunting habit I had to raise the price for mowing your lawn. Only $100 more per time would sure help me out.:D

Go kill an elk and quit sniveling. I just found out that on my last hunting trip a tiny rock from another vehicle hit my A/C condensor thingy(looks like a radiator) that's going to cost me $410 to fix:eek:
Ok Randy, You've got all the the hunting gremlins out of the way. Now it's time to buckle down and get it done. Best of luck. Can't wait to see the photo's and video!
Randy does good luck always follow the OYOA crew? Luckily our bill was only $75 bucks to fix the trailer wires and lights in NM. I also forgot about the couple of coolers (one broken) and phone charger I accidentally took off your hands.

Good luck guys and bring home the big one.
Good luck Randy, Troy and Will, wanted to let you know we made it back to MI in one piece. It was great catching up with you in WY........MH
Bad news is that a BLM permit for five days of filming, just lightened the bank by $1,980.

Crap, that is spendy. A couple weeks ago I signed off on a CX for 2 days of sheep hunt filming by an Outdoor Channel program and let's just say it was significantly less expensive. Still curious if they got it done in the 2 days. I am sure they would have contacted us if they need more time. :rolleyes:
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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