Wyoming Area 10


Jul 15, 2013
Bozeman, MT
Hello all, I drew a leftover tag for Unit 10 this year. Mostly because of the proximity between a buddy in CO and I. I have heard all the horror stories about poor access and rattlesnakes in Area 10, but I was hoping someone in the HT sphere had some first hand experience on the unit. I am not looking for any monster bucks, just a decent hunt with a buddy I don't get to see very often. It looks like a few of the public sections may offer some opportunity to someone willing to walk, and that is our plan at the time being. Thank you in advance for any help!
Never been to area 10 but welcome to HT and good luck on your hunt. Look at the Wyoming hunt planner and onx and try figure out access points to public land. I did that for the area I hunted last year and seen a ton of goats and took my 1st 1 in day 1.
Hello all, I drew a leftover tag for Unit 10 this year. Mostly because of the proximity between a buddy in CO and I. I have heard all the horror stories about poor access and rattlesnakes in Area 10, but I was hoping someone in the HT sphere had some first hand experience on the unit. I am not looking for any monster bucks, just a decent hunt with a buddy I don't get to see very often. It looks like a few of the public sections may offer some opportunity to someone willing to walk, and that is our plan at the time being. Thank you in advance for any help!
Just finished up hunting 10. Had a great time. Yes, access is limited. PM me and I'll tell you everything I can.
I will be there Oct. 1 for rifle, curious if you saw many antelope. I talked with the game manager, he was pretty negative about the area with little access.
I saw 21 antelope (9 bucks) on the state land off Murphy Gulch Rd on the day I hunted it. I saw 5 antelope (2 bucks) on the two pieces of State land off Belus Rd on the day I hunted them. I hunted one more morning by the water trough I told you about (basically trail watching for about 2 hours) and saw nothing. I then shifted over to Area 19 where I had doe tags for the last 1.5 days of my hunt. I probably saw about 30 antelope over there. I scouted Area 10 for about a day and half prior to hunting and saw similar numbers to the numbers I am reporting for the days I actually hunted. These are perhaps unimpressive compared to the stuff you see on Youtube but it was enough to keep me occupied and not feel like I was wasting my time.

Would I put in for 10 again? No, I wouldn't. Would I tell you not to bother like some other people seem to be doing? Absolutely not! I would research the areas around 10 and put in for doe tags, drift back and forth between the two areas and see what comes of it. Here the thing, everyone told me I was crazy to go out to Wyoming on my own for a spot and stalk bowhunt for antelope (and they had no idea about Area 10 and It's poor access). I went out there to this "crappy area with no acess" and actually came real close killing one. I also had a great time doing it.

I will also tell you this, if you drive Rt 90 around dusk and look into the agricultural fields just North of Lake Desmet you will see a ton of antelope along with a crazy number of whitetails (all on private land). I can't imagine the farmer is too happy about the crop damage they are doing. There were also quite a few on the Belrus Ranch. You could always incorporate some door knocking into your scouting trips.

Dude, not trying to sell you a bill of goods. Just don't want a bunch of naysayers convincing you to stay at home in October. Best of luck.
I will also tell you this, if you drive Rt 90 around dusk and look into the agricultural fields just North of Lake Desmet you will see a ton of antelope along with a crazy number of whitetails (all on private land). I can't imagine the farmer is too happy about the crop damage they are doing. There were also quite a few on the Belrus Ranch. You could always incorporate some door knocking into your scouting trips.

Dude, not trying to sell you a bill of goods. Just don't want a bunch of naysayers convincing you to stay at home in October. Best of luck.

I live within 20 miles of the areas you describe above and even though those deer and antelope may be causing some crop damage, the chances of getting landowner permission to shoot even a doe is mighty, mighty slim. Those ranches are either leased to outfitters or "outfitted" by the landowners themselves.

Call me a naysayer, but I have knocked on those doors and was denied permission. But, if someone wants to try to get permission, go for it.

Unfortunately, the Hunter Management Area that was south of Lake DeSmet has gone away because the land changed hands.

Nothing I posted was intended to be anything but an attempt to help a fellow hunter hunter out. I hope you fill your freezer this year. Hunt hard and have the best season ever!!!

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