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Wyoming Antelope Unit 113


New member
Apr 2, 2017
I am a first time antelope hunter. I drew a tag in unit 113. I have learned that there are some issues getting access to the BLM land in much of the unit. I have looked at county road maps and this appears to be true. Was wondering if anyone here had any experience hunting this unit, specifically the area just southeast of Kaycee. I'm more than willing to hike in if that's what it takes to get on public ground. Any information would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
There was that one mistake the guy made on that Rockslide thread talking about a public road that actually goes through private land, but is public. WapitiBob made the correct post that as long as it is a public road along it's length it doesn't matter if it goes between the ranchers house and barn, LOL! The only real accessible public land in unit 113 that can be accessed by a legal public road is down on the southern border and going up a ways along the east side of the unit. A county map showing the public roads the county takes care of is necessary and will confirm that.
The hiway going South of Kaycee does cross some BLM and gives some access to the piece you are referring to............however, every other person that has a tag for 113 will be looking at that same access so it gets real crowded and the antelope get pushed off that BLM piece soon after the season opens. The Southern end of 113 is really the only decent access just like Topgun told you. Most of the roads on the East side of 113 are private.
If your hunting 113 it would be worth the cost of OnX chip or phone app. I hunted there the last 2 years. I would hunt late season also to get rid of most of the other hunters. I will be just south of there 10/15-31 if you need a hand
The hiway going South of Kaycee does cross some BLM and gives some access to the piece you are referring to............however, every other person that has a tag for 113 will be looking at that same access so it gets real crowded and the antelope get pushed off that BLM piece soon after the season opens. The Southern end of 113 is really the only decent access just like Topgun told you. Most of the roads on the East side of 113 are private.

What highway might you be talking about, as the only one I'm aware of is Interstate 25 that borders unit 113 south of Kaycee?
The WGFD hunt planner shows the county roads in each hunt area


With very few exceptions, the only county roads in that unit are the ones that delineate the area boundary. I hunted it last year. There are goats to be had. If you’re not picky on size and are willing to walk a lot, you will get one.

I’ve also been told that it’s illegal to park along the interstate and hike in, but saw many trucks doing it so I’m not sure.
It's illegal to park along any Interstate highway in the USA and if people are observant there are signs along every major interstate, including I-80, I-25, and I-90 in Wyoming, that state parking is for emergencies only even though a lot of people do it and get away with it based on posts by several of our Wyoming residents. Others that I know out there have said they tried it and were warned not to do it again or they would be ticketed! Most of the Interstate system even has minimum mph signs posted to lessen rearend accidents involving slower moving vehicles.
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Oh shit, here we go again......

I would hope not since the signs on the Interstate system are there for safety reasons and if hunters want to go ahead and violate it they are risking a ticket just like speeding well over the limit. It would be my luck to try it and get a ticket while someone else may do it their entire lifetime and never get one!
Oh shit, here we go again......

I hope topgun keeps spreading the word...keeps the scaredy cats away.

Parked along I-80 and shot this one. WYHP drove right on by as I was loading it up in the truck.


Got this one while parked off I-25 in a leftover unit year before last:


Need to get one off I-90 this year to complete the Wyoming Interstate tri-fecta pronghorn slam...if I draw my leftover tag, I have a good chance.
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Sheesh, I get TG ticked off even when I’m not trying to... I’m guessing the right highway patrol officer in the wrong mood could cite people for it, but I haven’t personally heard of it happening.

I love the idea of a WY interstate antelope trifecta. I always thought it would be fun to shoot one through the wooden snow fence.
Not ticked off at all madtom! I knew old BuzzH would show up just like buzzards on a road kill and just love it when our Laramie, WY resident keeps telling everyone to violate the law because he has yet to be stopped and/or ticketed. When any of you NRs that go out and do it and get a ticket just go see old BuzzH and he'll probably pay it for you for giving bad advice to flaunt the law, which is exactly what he's doing every time he gets on here with his grip and grin pictures!
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Finally....the Interstate debate version 2018. I'll stay tuned. :D

It's not really a debate! It's just one person telling everyone that the law on Interstate Highways throughout the country allows for emergency stopping only while the other is telling everyone to violate that law and even jokes that it will keep the "scaredy cats" away because most don't enforce it. Can you imagine the number of vehicles that would be violating the law along I-90 to get into the BLM along the north and south sides of the highway in units 16 and 22 if everyone did that?!
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Our WY resident can keep right on 'laffin" because one of these days what goes around will come around as my ole Dad used to say about things like this! What I find hard to believe is that one of the people on this great site that a lot of others probably look up to due to that person's knowledge and skill set along with many hours spent fighting for hunting and proper game management would flaunt the law and suggest that others also do it! That IMHO is not a laughing matter and I hope others will follow the law even though what we're talking about limits access to public land in some areas. I don't like a lot of laws that are on the books, but I don't go out and violate them just because it might be to my benefit and I would hope most others follow that example!
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I'm so excited for this leftover tag, I'll probably drive 83 MPH to get there.

I have one place picked out that I have to park on the interstate and corner cross.

I already picked out my theme song too for the Interstate pronghorn trifecta slam:


Sure hope I draw that tag...I can hardly wait.
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