Wyoming Antelope - Eastmans and Scotch Tape


Jul 19, 2011
Trying to select an antelope unit in Wyoming, and using Eastmans to sort through the possibilities. With 3 points I am not going to get a great unit, but would like to use public land and avoid the crowds (dream on). Trophy quality is irrelevant.

The MRS tables in my digital Eastmans look like they were photocopied from the magazine. I printed them as pdfs, then used adobe to reprint them in pieces and scotch taped them together. So much for the digital age.

In reality, I think that I would be better off paying a trespass fee.

Does anyone have any suggestions? (I already have gohunt - IMO both Eastmans and gohunt have good information.)

3 points I would think could get you a fairly decent unit especially in Wyoming. I just started playing the points game in Wyoming so couldn't tell ya. But I would think you could avoid paying a trespass fee.
There is no need to pay a trespass fee for Antelope in WY especially with 3 points. Pick a unit with at least marginal access that you can draw with 3 pts and go hunt. Lots of fun to be had in WY. Good Luck!
I complained to Eastmans that the new approach to delivering the MRS online was a royal pain in the rear to browse. Virtually worthless for me and printing resulted in microscopic tables. I can open in a new tab then zoom to see table cells but is silly when the table is in multiple pages then. Why in the name of all things holy is the chart not one table? Do they not realize you can create a single table when are not restricted to the limitations of a printed magazine format? You can set print breaks in the large table so with a "Print" button on the table then the table could be printed original size as if had torn out of the printed magazine.

I get Huntin' Fool, Epic, GoHunt and Eastmans. Guess which one is not being paid for ever again? Eastmans. Is an embarrassment to see them struggle so hard to deliver a simple to browse MRS section to online subscribers. Money wasted and I dropped them once before when they epically screwed up two MRS sections the year NM added the new sheep hunts. I am happy to pay $100 or so to access info on upcoming applications. Not willing to ever again pay a penny for crappy formatting. I do not even open the MRS now. Thank goodness other options exist so can avoid this amateur production.
ishootdasmallones is spot on! Look at type 2 tags as well. You have great chances at some of the best units in the State if you do those two things.
Lots of excellent units in special draw in your point range.The couple hundred extra will make a pretty big difference IMO.I have 6 pts going in and will b using the special draw
Thanks for the suggestions. Checking these out will keep me busy for a while.
My Eastman's showed up this week with a nice review of Nevada in the MRS section. Oh wait, Nevada's draw is over so the info is worthless and their online sucks. BUT there's some cool Kryptek stickers in there and a catalog for the most expensive camo I've ever seen. I think it's supposed to make you look invisible like the predator.

I'll leave it in the bathroom and read an article or 2 until my foot falls asleep.
The covered wagon delivering their magazines broke down on the Oregon Trail and everyone got the Typhus Fever again.
Airball by team Eastmans this month
Mine showed up end of last week.Amazing how you could mess up like that when it's a big part of your business.At least the wy. deer/antelope imfo was early.I much prefer GoHunt.I can go on there any time and read about different units
My Eastman's showed up this week with a nice review of Nevada in the MRS section. Oh wait, Nevada's draw is over so the info is worthless and their online sucks. BUT there's some cool Kryptek stickers in there and a catalog for the most expensive camo I've ever seen. I think it's supposed to make you look invisible like the predator.

I'll leave it in the bathroom and read an article or 2 until my foot falls asleep.

The magazine kool-aid strikes again. . .

3 points will get you into a decent area in Wyoming. Quite honestly you're better off looking at the Wyoming G&F website.
If I could be of help and you guys have Excel I have a handy spreadsheet I created that lets you sort all of the draw odds from 2016. It is nothing groundbreaking but if you want to sort by points, percentage or whatever else you can. If you want to show only units where you could draw with 3 point in 2016, you can. I only have the regular PP tag now but it is pretty handy. It (along with looking at accessible public land) is how I determined what unit I am going to apply for.
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Throw away your Eastmans and Huntin Fool, or maybe just use them to see where not to apply. Stick with GoHunt and get Hunters Trailhead. No need to pay trespass, just do your homework and you'll be fine.
In Wy you should be able to have a great hunt with 3 points. This one was taken last year on a leftover tag on a nice slice of blm first hour of first morning.