Caribou Gear Tarp

WY elk, round 2

Thank you for sharing the pics and story. Always great to see someone helping out one of the "old Masters" and making it possible for them to continue hunting.
30/06 and Nosler Partition are a great combination and ya'll had a great hunt. Congrats on some mighty good eating Buzz.
I have an “experienced” elk hunter I hunt with every year also. I always enjoy seeing him still getting after it. Good for you for sharing in his experience.

You sure know how to make elk hunting look easy!

From a Flatlander, what is the approximate elevation that you are finding these animals at this time of year? I'm still trying to figure out if I'm healthy enough to take shooting an elk off my bucket list.
Spot on Buzz. I hope I'm still going strong at 75. That's two freezers now in Laramie that are starting to fill up.