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would you shoot this bull?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Northern Utah
I had a chance to, but screwed it up. shot he wrong bull, lesson learned. the bull i wound up shooting grossed 332, but i think this one was 350ish, what do you think?
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normally ya, i would be happy with either. but when you have a bigger bull spotted, and screw it up it just nags at a guy!

I never even knew it was the wrong bull untill i got over to him. to make it even worse, this was on opening mourning, and no one was even hunting the canyon i was in, there had to be 20 bulls rutting in that little draw, and i'm sure the one i was after was one of them bugling that mourning.

even worse yet, it was a Utah convention tag, not one of the more popular units, but still a great hunt that wont come along very often.
My first thought was 335-340, and yes I'd shoot him.
Whada ya think Oak, does he make your;
"Shoot the first 360 bull you see" standards ?

Either bull that size who had the bad luck to get in the way of my bullet or arrow would make me very happy.
I think 350 is being conservative .Its a crappy pic, but the fornts and 3rds arent as short as they look. if he had a weak spot it would be his 4th's. but he makes up for them with big 5 th's and huge beams. i think his beams were in the 60" range! but thats all speculation now!
At first glance, I'd guess him in the 330" - 340" range. Great Bull!! I've always said, any elk with a bow is a good elk. I wouldn't sleep for a week if I took a bull like that. I'm getting excited right now thinking about it!!!
No I'd pass and wait for a smaller raghorn. That seems to be my specialty. It's my own fault for not holding out but I can't seem to let any legal bull walk. Someday I might shoot one that big. I consider that a trophy for sure.
Threes look weak (as ususal), fours don't look great, Wars look dam nice as does total beam length....if still an archer, hell yes! 15 or so years ago, I would have stopped my rifle rag collection with him....but not now....I got a "good" NM bull and filled an AZ tag...AZ bull missed book by his lousy Threes.....but I would shoot him again if I draw again before I die...
I'd be shooting!!! There's only a few places (units) where I may think of holding off, but I doubt I could bring myself to do it.

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