Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

World class outfitters SEC info...

I have read the Info on this Dude for awhile on this site. Seems like he and USO Outfitters have the same Idea, If I can't make Money off Hunting, let's just change the Laws until I can. Was'nt there a Mexican who worshipped at this Guy's Danners? John
You mean the one that got deleted? Good grief....how did that get deleted?
Holy shit...they deleted your post oak?

Wow, that is really something.

I guess the sound of crickets pushed them over the edge.

You're just a trouble maker.
Oak, You might as well post with disappearing Ink when you post over at MM!! Too Funny, they blow up and Delete rather than talk it out. John
I tell you what, there is some serious thinking going on over there...

Usually they post first, then engage brain...except when the just got suckered by one of their heros.

Utah residents just got slammed by Peay...and they now know it.
I don't have time to sort out fact from fiction on Buzz, Oak and Schmalts conspiracy here. You did say to read Avalanches posts and I did. Said something about Iraq = Haliburton and linked to Ron Paul for POTUS. I like Ron's ideas to open up ANWR to responsible drilling and cutting government employment ranks to the bone, but the guy has some kooky ideas too. Lot of BS get's spewed on the internet, and my money say's Avalanche spews more than his share of it.

Post a link from someone who isn't an agenda driven kook so we can read it and get the FACTS guys. Thanks!
BHR, you really cant be that dense are you?

Doesnt have shit to do with Ron Paul or Iraq=haliburton.

Agenda driven? Tell me whats more agenda driven than a guy pushing for limited quota areas statewide, getting a huge alotment of LQ tags into the hand of landowners, outfitters, and governors tags...all on the backs of the people who support SFW.

Then to thank them for their hard work, form a publically traded company that caters to the "high end outfitted sportsmen" dealing with the governors tag holders, purchasers of LO tags, outfitters sponsored tags...as well as the outfitters who guide the purchasers of said tags.

No conflict of interest there.

Meanwhile the average joes who supported SFW and were the ONLY reason Peay had the success he did in manipulating Utahs game management are now thrown a very small bunch of crumbs (a few tags that they wont draw more than once...if that...in a lifetime). Meanwhile Peay and his rich buddies make a killing on the publics wildlife and hunt the best of the best every year.

Somehow, I dont think even you can be that blind...I think you're just being a wise-ass as usual.
Damn Bighorn, it isn't about Ron paul.. It is about SWF and World Trophy Outfitters. Seems fishy to me, just my observation but i never agreed with the way SFW did thier deeds. They seem to make huge increases of hunting opportunities for the wealthy and outfitters, and just throw a few scraps to the DIY guys.
"Agenda driven? Tell me whats more agenda driven than a guy pushing for limited quota areas statewide, getting a huge alotment of LQ tags into the hand of landowners, outfitters, and governors tags...all on the backs of the people who support SFW. "

What's more agenda driven is you, Buzz. Your contempt for anyone but yourself making a living in todays capitalist world is easy to see by most. Remember your comment about "if I had my way, all outfitting would be illegal." My views fall somewhere between your's and Don Peay's on this. The one guy had it right on the Alaska board however. Hunters spend all our time fighting amongst ourselves we won't be hunting much longer.
Here's an additional comment for you Buzz. You want me to give Ted Turner a pass on how he operates his business for whatever reason, yet tell me to wake up and smell the coffee on what Don Peay is doing to make hunting a rich person only sport. If you ask me there isn't much difference between the two. If you want to bash Peay, be consistant.

You guy's (Oak, Buzz, Schmalts, whoever else) don't like RMEF, FNAWS, SFW, Mule Deer Foundation, and so on. Tell me what conservation organization you do like? What have you guy's done for wildlife conservation that stands out?

Also a number of people on this board drew good quality tags last year, including Utah. I wouldn't call it "scraps" for the common man. Also there is over the counter DIY opportunity in Idaho for all, yet I never heard of Schmalts taking it. Just hear him whine about how Utah is "stealing" his tags.

We all are part of the problem you guy's are whining about.
BHrn, just checkin...are you on opposite point of view with Buzz et al, or are you guys just disagreeing to maintain status quo?:confused:
. I wouldn't call it "scraps" for the common man. Also there is over the counter DIY opportunity in Idaho for all, yet I never heard of Schmalts taking it. Just hear him whine about how Utah is "stealing" his tags.

BHR those are your words not mine.... I fill my plate with as many hunts as I can handle every year. Spent almost 4 weeks in other states than my own so sorry i couldn't fit ID in :D A guy voices his opinion and you say he is Whining. What will that make Don Peay? The ultimate whiner?

Not scraps for the common man? It is scraps when you compare it to what the auction tag guys get on a yearly basis. Keep in mind the money they spend is nothing more than a tax write off for them as well.

I don't want to change the point of this thread so lets keep it at that. BHR, you are so blind you see no concern with the connection between SFW and World Trophy Outfitters? Your opinion is yours on the subject but if you don't see the connection..... DAMN DUDE:eek:
BHR, just be scared when Me, Buzz, and Oak agree on something because that means something big is going on!
BHR is just arguing for the sake of arguing. He hasn't bothered to educate himself on the issue, because he couldn't care less about elk hunting in UT or sheep hunting in AK. Don't take him too seriously, Schmalts.

When it comes to Buzz et al's "rich" man envy, I definately disagree. When he wants to make all outfitters illegal, I disagree. WTO sounds like a hunting consultant service, similar to Carter's, and Atcheson's. Those guy's have connections to wealthy hunters and hunting opportunity, just like Peay. Lot's of people use their services. You don't have to if you don't care for it. Jack Jr. is on the FNAWS board, is a dencent guy, and cares about wildlife and it's habitat. Don't know Peay, but would say he cares about habitat as well.

You want to hunt with Bryan M sometime in the future. Nothing wrong with that. He get's guarenteed tags for his clients (or Johns according to Schmalts). Does this make him a pimp? Is he pimping the publics wildlife for profit, or a guy trying to make a living doing what he loves to do? Would you hunt with him if the game in his consession was overhunted and mis managed? There are some bad outfitters out there, agreed. I understand that there is over hunting going on in Alaska in many areas, both do to resident and non-resident guided hunts. But there's some good outfitters too. A lot of them donate hunts at 50 to 100% donation for wildlife organization fundraisers. The proceeds go to more than maintaining status quo. Heck even Ted T donated an Oryx hunt on one of his New Mexico ranches to our last 2 fundraisers.

Still waiting for Buzz et al to list the wild life orgs they support.
See schmalts, that's exactly what I'm talking about. He is arguing, but he doesn't know what we're arguing about.
This is what your arguing about, Oak

"Meanwhile the average joes who supported SFW and were the ONLY reason Peay had the success he did in manipulating Utahs game management are now thrown a very small bunch of crumbs (a few tags that they wont draw more than once...if that...in a lifetime). Meanwhile Peay and his rich buddies make a killing on the publics wildlife and hunt the best of the best every year."

Give me a dollar figure "Peay and his rich buddies" are making off the publics wildlife.

How many LE Utah tags are available for "average joes" and how many are given out as governor permits, landowner, and outfitter tags?