PEAX Equipment



New member
Nov 28, 2001
The weather men are calling for triple digits for the rest of the week with the high hitting 106

It's finally getting warm down here... :D
Yea here in the central valley, we are looking at low 100s next week. The older I get the more I stay inside when it's over 100. Just can't handle it like I used to.
HAHAHA Tony...

Over the years, a lot of the fisherwoosie guys would always whine about the warm weather, well, I'm not going to be one of them

I just got back from a nice day out in the desert sun, my wife, dogs and I took a country ride up a dirt road that lasted 100 miles before we got off of it

There was a lot to see, not much in the wild life side of things, no water, we went up to an area that was supposed to have three springs, didn't find any, nor did I find any tracks

The only thing we did see was plenty of rabbits, a rodent that puts it's tail over it's back and on it's head when it runs, from what I could see, it is a funny looking little creature with a fat little belly but it can move fast

There are a few birds and plenty of little lizards

The forests our here consist mainly of Joshua trees, even though on one of my trecks a couple months ago, I found some extra large Ponderosas

I'm feeling a little burnt as I took my shirt off and let my pasty white skin roast a little

Other than that, another day in paradise...

And paradise is always where you find it... :)
we went up to an area that was supposed to have three springs, didn't find any, nor did I find any tracks
I didn't know springs left tracks... ;)

About the only 'wildlife' left that I know of around Vegas are horses and tortoises. Head up towards Caliente and you should be able to get into some deer and elk. A guy in my office used to work there, by the looks of his shed collection; they have some big deer up that way.
Thanks Pointer... I'll do that

Springs acually do leave tracks, just not in the sense we would leave them :)

Actually on the other side of the valley from where I was yesterday, there is a ton of wildlife

I've seen sheep just outside the city limits on the North West corner, Elk, Deer, Sheep, Donkeys and Horses just north of town in the Mojave

Theres also a goodly amount of cat and coyote poop

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