Woman gored after approaching bison in Yellowstone National Park


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Not to many years ago I posted a thread with almost identical circumstances. Now when are people ever going to learn that wildlife really are wild and sometimes dangerous????

It's callous but it sounds to me like people are learning one by one.

The disconnect between what nature & wild animals are truly like and the majority of people is vast. There's no where that most urban dwellers learn the reality growing up so unfortunately they think everything is kind and gentle when they should understand that every creature is in a constant state of looking for dinner or trying to avoid becoming one.
Other news articles state she died of her injuries. As much as I wanted to talk bad about tourists this was a very unfortunate outcome.
Pretty unfortunate indeed, even with this someone else will do it again. It blows my mind when I see the mini van from Pennsylvania pulled over and there is dad pointing out nature's beauty which happens to be a sow with 2 cubs and his three kids under the age of 12 wearing flip flops are 25 yards away from her......

I sure hope it doesn't take more of this to get it through people's heads but, I'm not holding mine for common sense either.
Hate to see people get hurt or even killed , but year after year this stuff happens, and everyone should know to stay away, usually national news so can’t be a surprise that a Buffalo will take you to the school of hard knocks !!
This happens every yr hard to believe
I live in Pa and our elk heard is a big tourist attraction too smaller scale tho and I take Tam up in September their is a area like Estes Park where they are every where and every yr we see someone walk up to a bull elk abt 15 to 20 feet for a pic
I look at Tam and ask is this the yr we someone get really hurt
Not to be a contrarian but in 2021 nearly 5 million people visited Yellowstone. I would venture that daily, tens of 1000s of people violate the 25 yard rule. Whether it is passing a buff along a trail or on a boardwalk to a geyser, or as they come through a campground. They interact daily with people. Some have bad days and do harm, but given the staggering numbers, it is bound to happen.

Contrarian was not directed at anyone in particular.
I may have told this story on here before, but it’s worth mentioning again. Last summer while passing through Yellowstone on our family vacation we came across a big male grizzly. We were in the car, the bear was easy archery distance from the car. Their were masked tourists walking between our car and the bear. My 9 year old daughter announced “natural selection waiting to happen”.
I don't want anyone to die, but it is a dream of mine to see someone get gored by a bison, or maybe mildly severely burned by a geothermal feature. I grew up going to the park multiple times a year, and have seen so much human stupidity there - it really is a consistent feature of the park, much like the critters and geysers.

Someday I'll bear witness to a good goring, and then I'll thank the lord for such a gift and never return.
I lived in the park for awhile and what was amazing to me is how many people Americans and foreigners actually do not realize that the animals are wild and its not some sort of giant free range zoo. Yes their are people in America that out of touch with nature. Made me wonder and still wonder what kind of bubble are they visiting from?
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