Wolf hide


Active member
Jan 13, 2011
I just picked up a wolf that had been hit on the highway. It has a really cool looking pelt. I was thinking of getting it tanned and using it as a throw when I get it back from Fish and Game. Anyone ever tried this? He is supposed to have had a black friend that I hope to get a shot at as well.
Never done it and knowing my luck if this was the first thing I tried it on I would end up with a stinking mess with no hair.

In the ditch


In the truck with the dead head of the bull it had been eating on.
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I have self tanned many capes and hides for mounts but if you want the hide soft you need to work te hide a lot. Better to let a tanery/taxi do it in my opinion.
The bull or what little was left of it was about 20 yards off the road down a 20 foot embankment. The wolf was on the other side of the road from the elk. I drive by this spot twice a day 4 or 5 days a week. I'm going to start pulling off and glassing up the draw from now on.

The hide has to be clean and soft enough that my wife let's it in the house. I figured I would start looking for a good taxidermist when it comes back.
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Your wife ain't gonna want that mangy thing in the house, I could help you out and give it a home.;) Without prior experience, I'd have a taxidermist get it tanned. Very interesting find.
I think most taxi's send the hides off to be tanned. Could be wrong but any animal I've mounted has been sent off for tanning.

Same thing I do to my wife when we go to Mexico :D
The pics show up in post 6 and 7 when I look at this thread. I'll log out and check.

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