Will I die with moose and sheep points?


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2017
I'm 32 and in good health. I currently have 5 points each for moose and sheep in Wyoming. I apply in the random every year (~0.01-1.5% odds) and earn another point for each for free when I don't draw.

Assuming I can do a sheep or moose hunt until I'm 65 or so, what are the chances those extra 33 points get me a tag without getting lucky in the random draw?
Realistically, unless there's a massive change in the way they distribute sheep/moose tags, I think you're in trouble. Just think of the guys/gals your age that started when they were 12 or 13. They're now 15 points ahead of you. And there are way more of those folks than there are sheep/moose tags. Hope for the random tag!
As a resident you have to ride it out. Truth is, no one knows what the future holds for these species and it's impossible to project any kind of numbers or odds. You're talking about 30 years in the future, who knows if we'll even be hunting these species then.

My wife and I both turned 12 the year Montana started a point system for moose/sheep/goat. Because of this, we are both in the group that is the youngest to have max points for sheep in the state. Even in our situation, the math says we will likely never draw.
I'm betting you'll find a moose area one day for your PP, sheep may be random draw only for you but never know. My spouse drew a sheep tag in the random draw with max PP several years back.
We have lots of older hunters who one day will not be able to fulfill their tags.
If you do it right you will. Hopefully, you draw a tag, wait your 5 years and then start applying again. As a resident I cant imagine a circumstance where I would not apply as long as I am legally allowed and mentally capable. Don't care how old I am. If I draw at 90 then I guess one of my boys will just have to pack me up the mountain.
I dropped out of WY a few years ago after doing math on the money. I figured I could save the same in points and then guarantee a hunt in 20 years or so. So instead of that ~$200 going to WY each year, it now goes to a separate account. Then I dump an extra $20 or so every now and again when I think about it.
To be clear, I’m not considering dropping out. I was mostly curious for discussion on if these points will likely mean anything before I’m fertilizer.
Resident or nonresident? . He's talking Wyoming. Reality as a nonres is unless moose make a huge comeback, or the nonresident quota goes up( unlikely) you are really only looking at random odds. I dropped out with 14 points after I did the math. Do the math of points cost and add in a sure to happen cost increase down the road. Better places to hedge your money today, north of the border, other states, ect.
Resident or nonresident? . He's talking Wyoming. Reality as a nonres is unless moose make a huge comeback, or the nonresident quota goes up( unlikely) you are really only looking at random odds. I dropped out with 14 points after I did the math. Do the math of points cost and add in a sure to happen cost increase down the road. Better places to hedge your money today, north of the border, other states, ect.

I. Am. A. Resident. Cost. Is. Not. Part. Of. The. Decision.
Just buy an Unlimited Tag in MT........ continue to put in Wyoming. At Least you give yourself an opportunity for a sheep with a tag in YOUR pocket while playing the game in your home state. Maybe I might know someone that would do some horse trading if you wanna hunt Barbary Sheep again ;)
Just buy an Unlimited Tag in MT........ continue to put in Wyoming. At Least you give yourself an opportunity for a sheep with a tag in YOUR pocket while playing the game in your home state. Maybe I might know someone that would do some horse trading if you wanna hunt Barbary Sheep again ;)

Assuming my end of the horse trade is the barbary hunt, that will require beating the drawing odds again, unfortunately.

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