Will Bullock Gun Comments Hurt Tester?


Active member
Aug 6, 2014
Please Keep the Following Discussion Civil

"MT Governor Steve Bullock said Tuesday that the ban he could support would be on the purchase of semi-automatic weapons with removable clips and a magazine that holds at least 10 bullets, and not semi-automatic traditionally used for hunting."

This may or may not be being discussed elsewhere, but I wanted to look at it from the downstream point of view. This change of position by Bullock seems to really lend credence to the notion some people hold about certain Montana Democrat politician's actual position on the 2nd amendment. As CNN noted:

"This marks a stark change from Bullock's re-election campaign for governor in 2016, when his campaign released a statement responding to an attack from his Republican opponent, Greg Gianforte. The statement said, "Steve Bullock supports Montana's current laws when it comes to gun rights. He opposes universal background checks, he has expanded gun rights as governor and he will always stand up for the Second Amendment."

Couple discussion questions:

1) How much, if at all, will this undermine Tester?
2) To those here who are big Bullock supporters, your feelings?



Bullock wants to run for president. That explains the comment and the timing. He must feel that he can't do that without supporting some gun control measures. I think he just killed any chance that he would ever have of winning another statewide election in MT himself (like running for US Senate in the future).

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Tester has been a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment. He has a high rating from the NRA. I would expect him to be more vocal now in his support for the 2nd amendment. I don't think it will affect his campaign.
1) How much, if at all, will this undermine Tester?
Sen Tester is strong on the gun rights. I don't think it will make a difference, particularly in a race against Rosendale.

2) To those here who are big Bullock supporters, your feelings?
At the risk of receiving some harsh comments from radical gun rights folks, I'll again voice my opinion regarding "assault" type firearms. As a thirty-year Army retiree with two tours in VietNam, I say if you want to employ firearms designed to kill and/or maim humans, then step up, sign up, train up, and serve your nation as a real warrior! I much prefer the long range shooting hunters who have honed their skills at the range and can deliver a fatal shot to a hunted wildlife at 1,000 yards with a bolt action hunting firearm than the maximum firepower, mow-down-trees AR shooters whose testosterone drives them to purchase, build or otherwise acquire the most bizarre military looking firearms and take them afield to deliver shots as quickly and in maximized quantity for the sake of being "cool", masculine, or standing up for their "gun rights".
There's my honest opinion, just as Gov Bullock has expressed his. Does it make me or him any less passionate about our 2nd Amendment rights? I think not.
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Doing what politicians do, say whatever is necessary to get elected.. Opinions don’t matter.. The facts are that assault weapons bans/ magazine capacity bans are ineffective.. already done in 94 and have been in place in other states for longer...

2004, a research report commissioned by the National Institute of Justice found that if the ban was renewed, the effects on gun violence would likely be small and perhaps too small for reliable measurement, because rifles in general, including rifles referred to as "assault rifles" or "assault weapons", are rarely used in gun crimes. That study, by Christopher S. Koper, Daniel J. Woods, and Jeffrey A. Roth of the Jerry Lee Center of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania, found no statistically significant evidence that either the assault weapons ban or the ban on magazines holding more than 10 rounds had reduced gun murders. The authors also report that "there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence, based on indicators like the percentage of gun crimes resulting in death or the share of gunfire incidents resulting in injury." [32]

Americans are none the wiser.. eventually even the Montana dems will go the way of the radical left.. just a matter of time..
With the extreme partisan flair, yes... I think Bullock's comments hurt Democrats in a Red State... Be it Tester, Williams, etc.
Will Trump being investigated for collusion & election finance felonies hurt Rosendale in the election?

The NRA has come after Bullock 3 times, and lost 3 times. I don't think he's too worried about that.
Will Trump being investigated for collusion & election finance felonies hurt Rosendale in the election?

The NRA has come after Bullock 3 times, and lost 3 times. I don't think he's too worried about that.

Naaa... I think Trump is an anomaly, so to speak.

The content here is Tester within the same state representing issues that the state holds tight. Though good diversion attempt, my Democrat line toeing friend.
Will Trump being investigated for collusion & election finance felonies hurt Rosendale in the election?

The NRA has come after Bullock 3 times, and lost 3 times. I don't think he's too worried about that.

You would have to have your head buried in the sand, or leaning so far right you are about to fall off the flat earth not think this won't hurt Maryland Matt.
Naaa... I think Trump is an anomaly, so to speak.

The content here is Tester within the same state representing issues that the state holds tight. Though good diversion attempt, my Democrat line toeing friend.


it's relevant. The OP is wondering if a policy proposal by one person is going to impact the other. Since Trump has come to MT once, and is looking to do so again, in an attempt to succor votes for Tester's opponent, it's a legitimate question, and one that has an answer inside of it:

Trump's troubles are just getting started and won't go away until past the election, making any discussion about gun control from a person who isn't out there actively holding rallies with people who think the QAnon thing is a real issue.

Bullock's statement's aren't that far off mainstream for many. And the crippling hold that the NRA has held on the gun issue is waning, especially when you look at attitudes towards firearms that the largest voting block (millenials) has.

Meanwhile, Trump's ego soaks up most of the airspace, and so will his downfall, and those who align too closely to him.

So yeah, Trump is going to be a bigger drag on Rosendale going in to November than Bullock is on Tester.
The NRA has come after Bullock 3 times, and lost 3 times. I don't think he's too worried about that.

Has Bullock ever voiced this opinion before?

If not, he just gave the NRA a lot more ammo, pardon the pun.

I do think it might hurt him, but those events are far in the future. Well just have to see how this plays out.
Has Bullock ever voiced this opinion before?

If not, he just gave the NRA a lot more ammo, pardon the pun.

I do think it might hurt him, but those events are far in the future. Well just have to see how this plays out.

No, that part is new. But again, given the recent national movement to the left in the gun debate, and the possibility of the NRA being linked to Russiagate, I think it's less damaging that it would have been pre-2016.

And ftr - I'm to the right of Tester on guns, and to the left of him on healthcare. If politicians were totally honest about the gun issue, they'd tackle free secondary education for disadvantaged youth who are likely to enter into a violent career path, and we'd be looking at better mental health for people who need it (AKA single payer). The vast majority of our gun deaths are either due to poverty or suicide. The AWB is a placebo for those who want to do something about guns, but don't know what to do.
Semi-auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment because someday the government will become tyrannical and the citizens can fight back with rocks or rifles. If I am still around, I would rather have a rifle. If you say, "That will never happen in the US," then read some history books about Nazi Germany, or if 60 yrs ago is too ancient for you, read about Syria. If you still don't think it will happen in the US, put your head back in the sand and let the rifle owners protect you while you do so.
Sen Tester is strong on the gun rights. I don't think it will make a difference, particularly in a race against Rosendale.

At the risk of receiving some harsh comments from radical gun rights folks, I'll again voice my opinion regarding "assault" type firearms. As a thirty-year Army retiree with two tours in VietNam, I say if you want to employ firearms designed to kill and/or maim humans, then step up, sign up, train up, and serve your nation as a real warrior! I much prefer the long range shooting hunters who have honed their skills at the range and can deliver a fatal shot to a hunted wildlife at 1,000 yards with a bolt action hunting firearm than the maximum firepower, mow-down-trees AR shooters whose testosterone drives them to purchase, build or otherwise acquire the most bizarre military looking firearms and take them afield to deliver shots as quickly and in maximized quantity for the sake of being "cool", masculine, or standing up for their "gun rights".
There's my

Unbelievable hypocrisy. Head shake material. Too much agent orange. Define "assault" weapons.
Semi-auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment because someday the government will become tyrannical and the citizens can fight back with rocks or rifles. If I am still around, I would rather have a rifle. If you say, "That will never happen in the US," then read some history books about Nazi Germany, or if 60 yrs ago is too ancient for you, read about Syria. If you still don't think it will happen in the US, put your head back in the sand and let the rifle owners protect you while you do so.

Lol... cause you know nukes, tanks, f-35's... but yeah have fun with your AR...

I'm not saying we should ban guns, just that this is a silly easily defeated argument.
Semi-auto rifles are protected by the 2nd Amendment because someday the government will become tyrannical and the citizens can fight back with rocks or rifles. If I am still around, I would rather have a rifle. If you say, "That will never happen in the US," then read some history books about Nazi Germany, or if 60 yrs ago is too ancient for you, read about Syria. If you still don't think it will happen in the US, put your head back in the sand and let the rifle owners protect you while you do so.

Look at Palenstine and see how that's working out against rockets & bombs. See also, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Assad is gassing people. Not much a bullet can do against gas attacks.
Unbelievable hypocrisy.
Absurd and offensive comment! You know not of what you write.
Too much agent orange.
You have no idea. I gutted it out through cancer ... recovered, hiked 22 miles 10 hours last Sunday across Yellowstone Park. What kind of proud statement can you express about anything you've sacrificed for your country? ... or for any cause outside of yourself?
Define "assault" weapons.
Semi-auto, military style, high capacity magazine, traditionally used by military and law enforcement, but more popular recently due to elevated levels of testosterone of the wannabe warrior types, those who think it's so cool to quickly deliver maximum firepower downrange or at wildlife prey, and conspiracy theorists.

I respect and appreciate your privilege to express your opinion, and doubt it will be questioned as hypocrisy. I expect the same from you, sbhooper!
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