Wilks elk license

Once again I bow to you sir.

Here's an article that kind of shows the other side of the argument.

"Transferable tags allow landowners to capitalize on what they already own and have a right to protect: access to their land.".
But they don't own the wildlife.............
Will be interesting to see if one of the "higher ups" get a photo leaked of them and a big ol nbar bull.
Hello All,
To start with, I want to provide a letter from the Governor to the BLM about needing to involve the public (https://governor.mt.gov/LETTER-210701-Gov-Gianforte-to-BLM-APR-public-meetings-comment.pdf.) I have quoted key bits below:

“This simply does not constitute an adequate opportunity for public comment and participation. Given the significance of this proposal to Montanans, State lands, and lessees of both state and federal lands, an extension of the comment period and public comment opportunity will ensure robust, thorough, and necessary public participation occurs.”

“The BLM also announced that it would hold one, remotely held, public hearing on the EA and FONSI, and that the public comment period would close on Sunday, August 29. This simply does not constitute an adequate opportunity for public comment and participation.”

“As this process moves forward, it is critical for BLM officials to come out from behind their computers and meet in person, face-to-face with Montanans.”

However, these same expectations don’t seem to apply to the Governor’s appointed Fish and Game Commissioners. They held a single zoom meeting from behind their computers with about 48-hours notice and less window for public comment. With their hand squarely in the cookie jar, they proactively brought out their lawyer to lecture us that they had followed the letter of the law.

Somehow 60 days of public input and weeks of advance notice of a virtual meeting is inadequate for the Governor, but 48-hours is plenty of notice for a single virtual meeting to ramrod through the privatization of a public resource for the benefit of the ultra wealthy. I appreciate that one of the Commissioners objected to the way “ramrod” sounded, but I promise it feels way worse than it sounds.

Admittedly the international travel schedule of a multi-millionaire commissioner needed to be accommodated, so the Governor’s words above righteously don’t also apply to his hand-appointed Commission. The idea that allowing the participation of the un-washed masses at the expense of the travel schedule of the multi-millionaire commissioner is appalling to all the millionaires.

This isn’t the first time the public has been ignored recently on these matters and it won’t be the last. They have literally told us they are not interested in public opinion, so we remain at the same crossroads we were at over outfitter tags. We either have to stop being surprised and angry or find a way to participate. I genuinely encourage everyone to find a way to attend these meetings, in person or virtually and share your views. There is no substitute for being ignored and if enough of us experience it, maybe we will believe it is happening and band together to do something about it. Otherwise, sit down and be quiet, somewhere a multi-millionaire has a plane to catch and they need you quiet while they steal from you.