Yeti GOBOX Collection

Wild Game gaining popularity/acceptance?

Rogan isn't unhinged. He is a podcaster who makes MILLIONS simply to have a discussion with who ever wants to discuss a subject. Is he arrogant, well yeah, just like a poster from Ontario is often arrogant but cancel culture makes it even more necessary to let people state their own opinions. Speech is to be protected, even when you disagree with what is said. Liberals used to believe in free speech, now the phony intellectual left only wants an echo chamber that stays on the narrative without any opposing opinion, ergo the BS cancel culture. The echo chamber on the right is a mirror image as well.

If you disagree with Rogan, go on his show and have a discussion with him. That is what we should aspire. I don't care if you like or hate Rogan BTW but he has huge following they are not the Dr. Phil or Judge Judy demographic. He is pro hunting and just for that reason you would think thoughtful hunters would at least be neutral on him.

But back on topic, wild game is the new hipster food in many ways. We need to recruit more hunters and we need them to like to eat wild game.
I don't see any problem with folks growing game behind a fence and selling the meat. As long as they are treated humanely. And if folks want to hunt game animals that are fenced, that's fine. Not my bag. But i can't blame them for wanting to go harvest the meat they eat.
As far as more folks wanting to get out. Well they have all the same rights as me. Not very fair to say I've got mine, now nobody more can play. Might effect my chances negatively.
And feel take one make one is a great program. We're loosing folks who still do things old school and don't depend on the internet to learn. Although maybe that's their bag. And would rather just go to the school of hard knocks, get out in the bush n learn every time I'm out.
Also feel folks are wanting food less in hormones n steroids so prefer wild game. Our family does. Living in ak allows us the opportunity to harvest the majority of our protiens. And we also raise meat rabbits. 4 does 1 buck = 300+ pounds . Pictures of our rabbitry.
Personally I'm glad to see folks getting back to more natural foods.


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Not everybody wants to shoot an elk. But everybody wants to eat f'n elk with jalapeno peppers thanks to Jojo Rogan.

TBH, I've had several non-hunters talk to me about Joe Rogan or MeatEater, they have no interest in hunting but they now support it and understand why we do it. To me, that's a positive.
Way back in collage I took a sociology class and one thing I learned was that eating habits of any culture are among the hardest things to change. But apparently if someone you don't know but really really like on TV or social media says it is good then change is immediate. Beware the power of electronics, the robot takeover is coming.
Its my experience that most people turn their nose up at wild game. The reasons are many but mostly if they did try it it wasnt cooked properly or cared for after the kill.
I deer hunt with several guys currently and quite a few over the years that dont eat whitetail. A lot of guys depend on their wives to cook for them and the excuse is that the wife wont cook it or eat it. They kill deer and give them away.

I agree - some won't eat it (for whatever prejudice they have)
some eat it "once in a while"
not a popular opinion, but I just never understood not wanting to eat what you kill (within reason - the coyote lovers will have to excuse me)
I have friend who guide and hunters care about getting the rack home, most do not care about the meat and just donate it.

I shared a dall sheep camp with a fellow - we had been talking at camp off and on about getting stuff "back home",,, he thought he had a plan
he got a sheep on like day 8,, he then proceeded to talk himself out of "the expense" and asked me if I wanted it

I'm like "heck yes" - all he asked was if I would send him a part of the loin

best meat I have ever eaten is sheep,,and that fool gave his away
There was an uptick in hunting & fishing 20 years ago and it never left.....or is that, it never right?

I was watching Rogan on his 1st podcast 13 years ago ,just a chance video that came up. Been watching ever since, just like Chappell. Since the beginning, good comedy. Good conversations usually.
More viewers than any tv show or podcast ,per episode. More than any msm combined...nightly.
Guy is a moron and admits it. Fell into it.
My motto is I may be dumb, but not stupid.

Hell, I'm on here aren't I?
My best friend and hunting/fishing partner loves to fish but won't eat fish. He likes to hunt and will eat wild game but won't cook it and he lives alone and doesn't have a freezer. So, all in all he is just about a perfect hunting and fishing partner.
On a serious note- I admittedly spent this past weekend visiting a friend in the Bay area. In between tacos and gorging through Chinatown, I managed to convince said local to try homemade deer sausage (cold smoked, dry cured) that I'd brought as my travel snack. It was a hit. Big hit. Nothing left. As in, asking if I could mail them more, or literally any other form of wild game. So I guess there's one more convert.

My best friend and hunting/fishing partner loves to fish but won't eat fish. He likes to hunt and will eat wild game but won't cook it and he lives alone and doesn't have a freezer. So, all in all he is just about a perfect hunting and fishing partner.

Is he accepting applications for hunting buddies?
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I don't see any problem with folks growing game behind a fence and selling the meat. As long as they are treated humanely. And if folks want to hunt game animals that are fenced, that's fine. Not my bag. But i can't blame them for wanting to go harvest the meat they eat.
As far as more folks wanting to get out. Well they have all the same rights as me. Not very fair to say I've got mine, now nobody more can play. Might effect my chances negatively.
And feel take one make one is a great program. We're loosing folks who still do things old school and don't depend on the internet to learn. Although maybe that's their bag. And would rather just go to the school of hard knocks, get out in the bush n learn every time I'm out.
Also feel folks are wanting food less in hormones n steroids so prefer wild game. Our family does. Living in ak allows us the opportunity to harvest the majority of our protiens. And we also raise meat rabbits. 4 does 1 buck = 300+ pounds . Pictures of our rabbitry.
Personally I'm glad to see folks getting back to more natural foods.
Totally cool. I was thinking there might be someone here that could/would offer us (well, me) a quick overview or even a lesson. Thanks for sharing.
I agree - some won't eat it (for whatever prejudice they have)
some eat it "once in a while"
not a popular opinion, but I just never understood not wanting to eat what you kill (within reason - the coyote lovers will have to excuse me)
Same here I love to prepare and eat it. But, I never care much if they want to eat it themselves or not so long as they dont waste it. Most even paid for processing if someone at camp didnt want it. They just took it home and passed it out to others.
I see. So Rogan is a self-identifying moron but not unhinged? Hmmm. Okay, I'll buy that. Still not sure I want to be hunting in the same neck of the woods with an armed guy who claims to be a moron. 😆
Wow, you left yourself wide open to comments...
I don't understand what Rogan has to do with cooking wild game or popularity to hunting. He is paid to be a shock jockey and do a talk show. I've never heard his stuff. But could be a good guy when he's not on air.
Maybe he has different opinions than me. So what. We all do.
And adding political stuff into a thread about cooking wild game isn't anything different than Rogan does. Throw fuel on a flame.
Anyhows we eat lots of wild game and maybe me n the family could learn something. I do like his other show. But enjoy watching the people and cultures more. And heck it's wild game so that's enough for me
So how many of you enjoy duck and goose?
I love them smoked and I like whitefront roasted as well as most puddle ducks. When I met my wife, she told me she hated venison. Wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I had to educate her. Turned out the only venison she had ever eaten was from a deer her BIL had poached and left hanging in the summer sun for a couple of days. Her dislike for venison may have been warranted.