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Why kill a Wolf ?

As soon as I see a wolf chasing a zebra I'm taking 'em both :D No really, count me in.
Are you pointing fingers?;) :D

For me, I think bringing home a wolf would be quite the deal. It would be a different kind of hunt than I am accustom to, so that would add to it. I don't have a wolf mount, so that would be cool. It would be a trophy not many folks have a chance to hunt, once again cool. Am I worried that if we don't kill all of them our big game populations will disappear, obviously no. Do I need to get a dozen of them, no. Might be fun to get a couple someday though. Kinda like bear baiting for "my own" hunting, pretty cool to get one, but one or two would be plenty.

No, not pointing fingers, just using ranched exotics as a comparison. Both are controversial hunts. IMO the moral high ground goes to the wolf hunter as there is only one way to hunt them...on their terms.

(and to be honest I had forgotten about moosie's ranch hunt resume when I responded)
well the money for one...
but if you want to look at it like that...a wolf is a big dog.
a coyote is a average dog, a fox is a small dog, a wolverine is a big weasle, a muskrat is a acceptable rat, a bear is a big pig, a moose is a big deer, a deer is a big fawn, a mt lion is a big kitty...if you wanna comparisions to make a point you can do it with just about anything. how you word something dictates opinion in a way.
Why shoot a wolf...a unique trophy thats hard to get, not found everywhere and one of the greatest predators on earth, deserves some respect for years to come...oh my wall, better than dying in the brush from infection from a kick by a moose.
I gotta agree; why not. they are pests. dont worry for all the bleeding hearts, we can not exterminate all of them.
I'm with greeny on this one. I'd shot one in a heart beat. Hell I'd shoot them all if I could.
Yes I would. Predator control is one reason and the hide is really nice. And I really want to get one and have it done as a full body mount. I would then take my picture with it while giving it the finger and post it on the WWW.
The wolf should be delisted, but it should be controlled and should be high fines to pay if you break the law in taking them, But yeah I would kill one and the reason would be for control not meat, the fur, the sport, or any of that just for the simple fact there should be control of a big game predator like the wolf.
because it stepped on private land. any and all that do will be fair game.
when i start calling anything that comes in is a predator. pointed ears and a bushy tail yep boom flop.
yes jose queero deer and elk do pay for wildlife management in a round about way and they are dieing to do it.
shoot um all and shove them up usfws a$$
Why shoot a wolf? Why shoot a deer? Why shoot an elk? Because we are hunters, that is just what we do.
because it stepped on private land. any and all that do will be fair game.
when i start calling anything that comes in is a predator. pointed ears and a bushy tail yep boom flop.
yes jose queero deer and elk do pay for wildlife management in a round about way and they are dieing to do it.
shoot um all and shove them up usfws a$$
Did Elkchsr change his 'handle'??? :confused: :D
My greatest failure as a hunter involved 'missing' a wolf. I was hunting spring black bear in Alberta. Had a wolf tag, but never thought I'd see one. Along came a silver wolf half trotting down a game trail. I saw him about 150 yards out and he was coming right for me. I got him in the scope, followed him for an eternity until he passed right in front of me about 20 yards. The whole time I was thinking "This is too easy". Pulled the trigger right as I swung past a aspen tree and centerpunched the tree at about 10 ft.

SO I for sure would shoot a wolf, but I don't deserve another chance. I'll never live it down.