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Who is the goose guru with answers?


Active member
Dec 31, 2002
Southern Oregon Coast
I have heard that geese will land in a field if there is evidence that geese have been using the field. If a field has lots of droppings on the ground and some decoys will the droppings help bring the birds down?
Not sure how to answer this......if there are goose droppings its a sure sign the geese are using the fields. Either that or you have spent alot of time collecting goose shit to spread on the field. Second thing, if the birds are close enough to see the poop, its time to start shooting.

The best decoying comes from scouting where the birds actually are and then setting up in those spots.

The next best would be to find the "flightpath" of the birds and set up in food sources where the birds can see your spreads. This works when its either really stormy/windy or when there are new birds in the area.

Good luck!
I don't think that Geese can See droppings..... They go to fields because of what grows in them, not becasue of poop ?

If they have been in the field, as long as there is still something to eat there... they will come back !!
goose pellets work pretty good....but nothing works as well as the goose in heat urine.
the way to use the urine is to attach it to the tail of a kite and fly it above your decoy will leave a scent trail in the wind. fly it for about twenty minutes and then reel it back in.
careful not to get the urine on your hands so you dont get violated by a flock and end up with a bad case of goose bumps.......not a pretty sight.
JB said:
goose pellets work pretty good....but nothing works as well as the goose in heat urine.
the way to use the urine is to attach it to the tail of a kite and fly it above your decoy will leave a scent trail in the wind. fly it for about twenty minutes and then reel it back in.
careful not to get the urine on your hands so you dont get violated by a flock and end up with a bad case of goose bumps.......not a pretty sight.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :)

Anyway, it doesn't matter where the geese are pooping but where they are feeding. They like to feed where they are comfortable. That is why geese will hit the same field year after year. However once shot off, usually geese won't return to that field, usually.

the poop doesn't matter at all.

poop doesn't matter at all.
but shit happens.
i know my "claimed successful" goose urine technique may be a little controversial but so was the use of deer urine when it first came out.
.... they are using coyote urine to keep geese off of the golf courses. :W:
so does the poop make them feel safe? possibly.
might be something to this after all.
but let the real experts carry on this thread, I'll bail out due to lack of expertise on fecal matter.
but if you want to get into the piss, let me know.
Geese will land where they are comfortable and there is feed, I don't think shit matters. Just do your scouting and set up where they land the day before, if there not pressured they'll be back. Or figure out there flight pattern and set up in a field next to it, the more decoys the better. If that doesn't work get the goose shit out of your bag and spread it around. I'm not a goose guru but I've shot a few 100 of the damn things.
Although I don't think it is an "attractant", we will look for it in the morning prior to setting up dekes to confirm we are in the exact spot they were feeding. Being off of the "X" by a 100 yds can mean the difference between a couple of birds and a limit of birds.

JB, I've shyed away from the "Gander-in-Heat" ever since my best friend billy was the recipient of...well lets just say his shat had cheek patches for a week.
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