Yeti GOBOX Collection

Which WY GMU for 2020 NR w/ (7) Points?

Rhino Hunter

Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
Hi There,

I'm trying to set up a hunt for five (5) of us in WY to hunt Antelope unguided on state/federal land. We all have seven (7) preference points. Three are 21 to 23 years old and it will be their first hunt out West. We want to take enclosed trailers to camp out of, and maybe set up a mess tent too. We will have a two SXS's as well.

What GMU(s) would you recommend that we consider given our criteria?

Thank you in advance for any help.
Be aware that any units openly discussed on a website/thread like this could experience above average point creep.

Any units that take the points you have to draw will give you the experience you are looking for and it’s likely you could tag out before you get camp set up, if you want.
I think we need to modify the miranda rights for hunting forums

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in by other online google scouters in the unit of your suggestion. You have the right to a map and GoHunt. If you cannot afford GoHunt, the fish and game website is the next best choice. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”

Nothing against the OP just comical relief for myself during a miserable multi-day rainstorm here in Washington.
I'd look at units that require at least 5-6 points to draw, just to account for point creep. Although, now that I've stated that, the efficacy of doing so just decreased. Simply applying with a party of 5 will decrease your odds of drawing in units with lower quotas. Look at units that issue a lot of tags relative to others.
Not true...Wyoming will over-issue up to 5 tags if the party is the last tag plucked.
The probability of being that last tag plucked is lower than the probability of being one of the tags before it. But I still stand corrected because while that still diminishes the odds for others, it does not for the party of 5 in question.
The probability of being that last tag plucked is lower than the probability of being one of the tags before it. But I still stand corrected because while that still diminishes the odds for others, it does not for the party of 5 in question.

Ever look at the draw reports?

Lots of party applications are the last tag plucked.
The probability of being that last tag plucked is lower than the probability of being one of the tags before it. But I still stand corrected because while that still diminishes the odds for others, it does not for the party of 5 in question.
The point is, your party size has no bearing on your likelihood of drawing. States like NM would exclude you if you were in a party of two and only 1 tag was left when you were picked.
It seems like there are different seasons. Are some season, or time of year, better than others? When is the rut for Antelope?

Thank you.
Google is your friend....tons of research on antelope behavior out there on the web.

The best time to hunt pronghorn is when the season is open and you have a tag in your pocket...don't over-think it.

Isn't this site part of the web? Your assistance is overwhelming.
Isn't this site part of the web? Your assistance is overwhelming.

Perhaps only eclipsed by your laziness...

Its not 1940, you have the greatest research tool in history...literally at your fingertips. Part of the fun for me is to do some research on my own when I'm planning a hunt, including reading research papers on the quarry I'm after.

Too bad more people don't take the time to do more than find the easy way to run an arrow or bullet through a critter...sad really.