Caribou Gear Tarp

Which tent??


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2016
I'm looking for a good all-around backpacking tent that can get me into the colder months. I'm not going to be camping in January above timberline or anything. But I want to be able to withstand some snow in November Rockies if it comes. There are two tents I'm interested in. Main concerns are weather and weight. Please let me know of any other suggestions.

1) Kelty Salida 2 - 3 season tent. Lightweight (4 lb, 8 oz). I've read it can be used as a 3.5 season tent. Can be found on amazon for $115.

2) ALPS Tasmanian 2 - 4 season tent. Heavy (7 lb, 7 oz). Slightly more expensive. Probably not best for early seasons. Can be found on steepandcheap for $157.

Do you think the ALPS is worth the $40 difference and the 3 lbs of weight? Would the Kelty be okay for hunting season?

That Kelty should be fine for 90% of your needs. I would probably go with that. The Kelty is already pretty heavy...according to the website the ALPS is over 8 lbs...a very heavy tent. It will probably be overkill for you. And often those 4 seasons are unbearably hot in warm weather.

Unless you NEED 4-season performance...winter camping in storm conditions, go with the lighter and cheaper option. The Kelty will be fine in the snow as long as it's not a blizzard.
That Salida is an actual 2 person tent; my son and I use one for backpacking and I've used it in pretty sporty conditions weather wise and it's done well.

If looking for an upgraded lightweight 4-season I'd look toward Big Agnes personally.
Thanks guys!

Generally I will be hunting with other people but staying alone in the tent. Figured a 2 person would give me room for gear. I wouldn't mind sharing a tight space with my wife or youth relative but that's all.

I have been leaning towards the kelty. I like Big Agnes gear but it's a little pricey for what I want right now. Thanks again!!
Between those two I would go with the Kelty. I know some people pooh pooh Kelty but I own a few of their products and I have never had a problem with them.

I would also HIGHLY recommend the Passage 2 tent from REI. I bought one some years ago and I totally love it. It's very similar to the Kelty that you're looking at but the REI tent has two doors, two vestibules which is helpful for gear and if you're sharing the tent with another person. I'm a big guy and my wife and I fit comfortably in it, we even use a full size air mattress in it if we're near our car. It has a great "gear loft" which is a small piece square of mesh that clips into the very top of the ceiling and provides a great place to store small items(wallet/keys/phone) totally out of the way. The other nice thing I really like about it is that you can pitch the fly and footprint together(without the tent) to use as an ultralight shelter. I've never had to use it, but from what I understand REI has a great warranty/return policy also.
Yeah, I second REI. You can buy the Kelty there. It's like an insurance policy. Any problems and you can take it back.

Big Agnes stuff is great. But I bought a Fly Creek UL2 before a NM ibex archery hunt. It lasted all of 0 days in Floridas. I brought it back to REI absolutely destroyed. "I was unsatisfied with the tent's performance and it will not meet my needs." Refund no questions asked. Well, one hippy lady said she loved the tent and couldn't understand how I was unsatisfied. She took one look at the remains and asked "how the heck did this happen?" I just said I would be needing a more rugged tent.
Those are heavy tents to pack in. You'll pay more, but it'll be worth it IMO to get a lighter higher quality tent. I had KUIU's 1P (18.9oz), just wasn't enough room for me so I sold it. Bought it used for $150 and was able to sell it for the same price. After that I picked up a brand new MSR Hubba Hubba NX 2P (3lbs 7oz) with footprint (7oz) brand new off eBay for $350. One of the cinch down straps on the compression sack broke so they were selling it cheap. If I had a little more I would have gone with KUIU's Mountain Star 2P for $450 (3lbs 4oz or 3lbs 5oz depending on carbon fiber or aluminum poles). The tents above are all 3 season tents. If you wanted a true 4 season tent I'd say there are very few options. KUIU's Storm Star 2P and Hellieberg. Those are names I've come across in the backpack hunting forums and pages.
Howdy. I use a Marmot 2P Limelight tent for all my camping. I like it and it has held up well. It has plenty of room for equipment, etc. and has held up to the weather I've had in N. CO.

But, if I were to spend a few more dollars at this time, I'd go with this for my cold weather hunting.
"The 4 person Ultralight Tipi is light enough for solo use, but still large enough to bring friends, dogs or a wood stove." I like the idea of a hot stove to warm to, cook on, and dry your equipment. I don't mind sharing such a tent with a hunting buddy. It is sort of like a mini-wall tent, but is back-packable. For my late season(4th rifle) bull elk hunt in northern CO., this tent is talking to me big time!!!! There's my 2 cents worth. :)
I'll use either my Marmot Tungsten 1p or an ENO hammock with their Housefly rain fly when camping. The hammock saves some weight and bulk, but the free standing tent is way more versatile. They'll both be in the truck when I got to Idaho this season. I'll make the call when it's time to head in after checking out the forecast.
I used the Kelty Salida 2 last year when I backpacked into our spot in Utah. We had a bad rain storm that kept us in the tents from Sunday evening until about 2pm the next afternoon, and I had zero problems. I'm 6'4" 245lbs, so I'm glad I went with the 2 person tent. I was on a tight budget, and I got the Salida 2 on Amazon for around $100 when they were on sale. There are probably better options, but this won't break the bank and should meet your needs.
I have a Ledge Outdoors tent that is almost identical to the Kelty that I have used for years. I have been through some nasty windy conditions and 2 feet of snow with very few problems. Its is a little on the heavy side so I just upgraded. currently has some awesome deals on tents. I picked a 3 man MSR for $325 that only weighs 3.5 lbs. I added space and decreased 1.5 lbs.
If you're hunting in the fall some place where the bugs aren't too bad, I'd look pretty close at the Black Diamond Megalight, once you get the hang of pitching it you'll never go back to a traditional tent. It's also within the price range of some of these tents being mentioned.
I know this is a bit old- but if you're still looking for a tent, check out Henry Shire's "TarpTent" (they are not a tarp). Clever designs, lightweight, and made in USA. I now own two...
I've had good luck with the Alps Lynx2 for my backpacking they make a one man in the Lynx also!
Car camping tent or backpacking tent? I run a SO Redcliff with a homemade collapsible stove. Hunting partner and I split gear for weight savings. I like the stove for warmth and dry heat. Live in OR so mostly wet.

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