Caribou Gear Tarp

Where were you ?

I was getting ready to go to work at the Minneapolis airport. Turned on the TV right as the 2nd plane hit the tower. When I got to work we had a mess because of all the planes that were grounded there and all the stranded people. After everything was straightened out we all sat at watched the news for the next several days.

It was really strange being at an airport and the only flights going on were the occasional fighter jets.
I was in the mountains, in elk camp, with my dad and 2 of my uncles. We had been hitting the hunting hard for a couple of days, and that morning we decided to sleep in, make breakfast and then head out for the rest of the day. I tried the radio in my truck, and actually got a station, and within an hour, heard the news. We broke camp immediately and returned to town. One moment I will never forget.
I was in my bathroom shaving when my wife called me to the bedroom to see what was on the TV. I remember watching the replay of the 1st plane hitting, when the 2nd hit! I went on to school later that day and don't really remember doing much but trying to catch up on what had actually happened.

At the time we lived adjacent to Hill Air Force Base and I can still remember the constant sound of jets taking off/landing that day and for a few days afterwards.
I remember it vividly. I was in the high-country on an archery mule deer hunt. I was away from all civilization, including radio or phone. After arrowing a deer and packing it out on September 11th, I drove into the nearest small town, thoroughly happy and excited with my well earned trophy muley. When I walked into the little store, the owner could see my attire and much needed shave and asked if I've been hunting in the back country? When it was discovered that I had, he turned his small television set towards me and said, "I think you better watch this for a few minutes, son."

I couldn't believe it......shock replaced by anger rather quickly. It ruined the rest of my hunting trip....especially for my partner! I remember feeling somewhat guilty for not knowing about the attack immediately whenever everyone else in the country knew. I was up enjoying something that only free men/women can do in this country.......while other innocent citizens and our country was under attack. Just made me feel weird.

I stayed at that elderly gentleman's small store for quite a while getting up to speed on the current information. I still send him a card once in a while, as our meeting stemmed a friendship. Funny how sometimes a small positive thing occurs from a tragic event.
Elk hunting, with a dear friend at the time. We had the mountain to ourselves, a 7 day hunt. Enjoying amazing weather and a fabulous, elk-filled rut hunt. We took off that morning, like we had the 4 previous, but that morning, my friend hit the mark. Scored a nice 5X beauty. We packed a load down, he went for his phone to the call the girlfriend = the rest is history. (she was scared for her life, thought the world was ending and cut our trip short, he had to be home immidiately, if the salon, tan and nail store came under attack she would be ruined!) >>>We ran up the mountain to get the second load, packed up and left in a flash. I too was up in God's countryn doing what I love, and loving life, 'something only free men and women get to' well said, and I will always remember that season and that event.
I worked for a tv station in Phoenix at the time and I was getting ready for work, getting my kids ready for school. My father-in-law called from Brazil to ask us what was going on in NY. We turned the news on just before plane #2.

I spent the rest of the day helping the news department. Watching the same horrifying images over and over again. The single thought that stayed in my head was: "This is what it means to be an American now. Going forward, we'll always have a target on our backs."
I was here at work, preparing for the day with the radio in the background. Heard their was a plane crash in NYC. Went downstairs and turned on TV in time to see the second plane hit and realize, like many others, that the USA was under attack. A sense of rage and sadness like I had never felt came over me. God Bless all of those who have fought for our freedoms before and since that day, this is truly the greatest country on this earth.
I was home on my job break, just sat down where I am sitting now. In front of the computer with GMA on the tv right above the computer monitor. They were reporting on the first crash, when the second one hit. I saw it in real time.

Living about 80 air miles south west of Manhatten, I was concerned. I called my wife and told her to come home from work. Being a nurse, she thought she would be needed there, who knew what was next. I loaded every gun in the house, and put them back in the racks. When my wife and sons got home that night I informed them that every weapon was loaded, all they had to do was work the action to chamber a round.
My wife asked if I was afraid the "dots" were going to attack us in a ground war. I told her "No I am concerned about all the refugees that are going to be bailing out of the cities in a panic, and wanting what we have."
Thank god that never happened.
kansasdad - did i read this correct?, you declare yourself canadian when overseas whenever faced with menace? now that is priceless. maybe pathetic is better word.
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