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Where to hunt?

Greenhorn is right on the Montana hunting.No better general tag exists.I'll be back as soon as I burn off my points in Co.The combo tag is actually a good deal if you can swing 2 trips.I love archery elk then go back for a muley rut hunt with your rifle.Wyoming is a favorite of mine due to lower hunter numbers but I've seen bigger bulls in Mt.
Co can be frustrating with the amount of hunters.NM has ridiculous draw odds for the diy hunter,but always worth the try.I'd buy the Wy points in the mean time while you wait,but definitely consider Mt
MT is the worst state in the west to hunt, period. Too many wolves, too many hunters, too much private land. Only the lucky few tag a big bull, most don't even see an elk to shoot.

Stick with WY, much better chance at bigger everything and lots fewer people. You can't swing a dead cat in CO without hitting an elk, not a bad place to hunt either.
Having hunted Montana as both a resident and a non-resident, the length of seasons available is not in my opinion, that big of a deciding factor. Unless one lives close enough that they are doing multiple three day trips or so, nearly all non-residents are coming for a week or longer at a whack. I don't know how many folks can do that multiple times in a year. I know I can rarely swing that. The long season certainly offers an advantage in that the hunter pressure is a little more dispersed.

The long seasons also give a good amount of flexibility in scheduling, no doubt about it. And, as far as allowing both rifle and archery hunting on the same tag Montana definitely gives the MOST amount of opportunity. However, given that most of that opportunity is unusable makes the distinction between Montana and Wyoming kind of a wash. I've read more than one hunt recap where guys hunted the last week of archery and then stayed for the rifle opener in Wyoming.

I haven't hunted Wyoming in many years and can't comment on the hunt quality relative to Montana. I do agree with the general consensus that Montana offers some phenomenal public land opportunity for archery elk hunting. Is the extra money worth it? I guess that's a personal decision and one that I'm wrestling with myself at the current time. I can hunt closer in Idaho for less money, but have no idea if the hunt quality is close enough to make it worth it.
It's just one man's opinion but I hunt WY every year as a non-resident. My first out-of-state hunt was a guided elk hunt on mixed public & private land in southwestern MT. I loved it, and I killed a cow, but it was expensive and so I had to find a cheaper alternative. I found WY and I've hunted elk there 4 times over the last 5 years. I've also hunted antelope 4 or 5 times over that same period. I'm going again this year for both antelope and elk. My elk hunts have mostly been low priced guided rifle cow hunts. Some were on public land and some on private. I have gone with 3 different guides and I can recommend 2 of them. I also went once on my own with a general tag and killed a cow on public land.
I like WY because I can almost always get a tag, the tags are inexpensive (especially the reduced price cow/calf tags), and I've never failed to find elk, although I haven't always been able to kill one. Sometimes I see other hunters but more often I don't. So pressure hasn't affected me.

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Barn..........You don't need a guided hunt. You should be hunting South Colorado every year. Buy some elk hunting books, and ask questions on forums like this. It's not that hard to kill an elk. It just takes some experience, and hard work. You'll get that by hunting every year.

You asked a question about points. When you get a point it's not specific to any weapon, season, or weapon. It's good for all of those. It's your choice how you use it.

Also, please don't think elk hunting is like what you see on hunting shows. Randy's is good, but most are just plain fake, and setups.

Get in the best shape you can, research everything, be prepared to work hard, and go hunt. Elk hunting isn't a one shot deal. It's a lifestyle, and an addiction that's good for you. It will keep you young, and loving life.
Colorado has between 280,000-300,00 elk, because that's how many elk the DOW wants to have. We could certainly have much more if wanted to.

Are the other states the same way, or do they have as many elk as they have, because that's all they can? I would think big states like Montana could hold more elk than they have?
How cheap is a NR elk tag in MT?

If the hunting is so good why is demand so low for the tag? It 's been many years since MT even sold all it's elk tags and has basically become an OTC tag where the Wyoming general tag has to be drawn and requires points and or getting the in the special draw.

Because of the price for one thing. I like Wyoming for its season length and fair prices.. Of course I don't give a damn about antlers, so I probably should stay out of the conversation. For a few pref points, though, you can go chase antlers if that is what turns your crank.

Colorado has lots of hunters and short seasons. Never again for me. I like to return to visit my cousin in Cody and hunt cow elk for a few days all through the fall. Wonderful country and relaxed time to hunt.
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Alright Greenhorn, you talked me into MT for the years I don't draw the WY general tag. This will make it so I can go elk hunting every year as I also don't want to make this a once or twice in a lifetime kind of thing. I looked at the MT website briefly and can't find out if they sell the elk license by itself. Do they? Or are you required to get the combo tag. Compared to WY where the license is 577 and two years of preference points to guarantee a general tag is an extra 100 puts me at $677 vs. the $971 for a combo in MT. While $300 doesn't eliminate the hunt for me it is my share of the gas bill. But, it's also worth it to be able to hunt every year. Go figure. I also hope to go to my garage to fondle my antlers one day :)

Yes the do sell just the elk tag combo, they still have a few available.
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