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What’s wrong with motorsports?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2015
MT —> AZ
This isn’t hunting related but it’s also not a dissertation on formal and informal gendered language. Also, Ginger Ale was a 17+ page hit so I think this is acceptable.

To answer the question….Well…. Potentially a lot of things like when people illegally ride behind gates but that’s not what this post is about.

I was in Tempe recently and I saw several different people, at different times, wearing T-Shirts that said:


I’ve googled this and not gotten any results.

I am here to ask the experts. What association does #3 have with 1 and 2 and why are people wearing it on shirts.

Yes, I know…. I should have just asked.
I’ll be fair and say I’m a motor sports fan. NASCAR, dirt, nhra it’s just fun to watch talented people do things with cars that average people can’t.

NASCAR started as a purely southern sport and that’s where its roots still are. Some people stereo type it as rednecks and by association racism.

There is a proliferation of women that are currently coming up through all the levels of racing. Some have been fairly successful but not at the top level yet, it’ll just take the right person with a good opportunity though.

Unfortunately a lot of racing now (like everything else) has as much to do with how much money you bring to the table as talent.
Some people stereo type it as rednecks and by association racism.
Think you nailed it. Hear more and more about how NASCAR fans are just a bunch of racist rednecks that belittle women, but think that is coming from the woke faction of our current human population.

We like watching NASCAR, but there are lots of new drivers, so it is kind of hard to keep track sometimes. Formula One, those guys are nuts! Remember watching the Monaco GP many years ago and someone blew an engine in the tunnel. Didn't keep the other drivers from blasting through there totally blind at 180mph.
Maybe they’re adamant that motorsports can’t exist if they’re forced to get rid of racism and sexism? Har har.

That’d require some punctuation changes to correctly hammer the point though.

Even ye olde Google machine had no answers.
Today, no matter WHAT you do, if you are NOT completely politically ''correct'' .......some one on ''social media will pick up on a possible ''off the cuff'' comment and it will snowball..........
I'm old school,probably 'cause I'm old !!! I respect women, I have no problem sharing a beer with anyone of any race /color, I don't agree with this LGB ''in your face'' everywhere,especially in schools.......... I like to know some things about people I associate with.....Don't care if you eat pork or not.....I LOVE PORK/BACON...... If you were born male, but identify as ''other'',what ever THAT is, We best go our separate ways........Thats how I was raised and thats how I live......
Some of my best amigos were guys I had pretty good ''dust-ups'' with in my younger extended your hand to lift up the other guy and went on.
Well I find them just generally boring.

As to the message on the shirt, seems pretty silly to lump those three things together. People are generally pretty damn silly so no real shocker there.
Is it actually associated? Or is it just a list of things they aren't interested in dealing with in a person that they may want to befriend or date? A wearing their heart on their shirt kinda thing?
Never got into nascar.
Saw a demo derby at JC Agajanians Ascot Park once.
Used to go to Irwindale and watch Speedway Races and Flat track. Pensky was just a kid racing.
Winternationals a couple times.
Willow Creek was a place to go watch races ,Trials and to every once in a while, drive the track. Yep. In my buddies 66 Mustang GT convertable, a Shelby.
My BIL is a Dragracer. Owns a couple records.

Levis and Pennys Towncraft white tees were the norm.
Better question might be “What’s wrong with Tempe?”
Just another righteous signaling device by people on the far left. Like still wearing masks in public.
No, there should be no racism or sexism, but motor sports?
I.... am not a fan of motorsports.

Kinda like why I don't watch golf.... just a waste of time.

you bet your ass i'd spend a sloshy weekend at talladega tho
I.... am not a fan of motorsports.

Kinda like why I don't watch golf.... just a waste of time.

you bet your ass i'd spend a sloshy weekend at talladega tho
I would like to go there myself! I think our daughter is planning on it for next year.
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