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What's with the Morman's ??

the ox out of the mire during


For lamanites (heathens) like you and I, we don't have to worry about our ox being in the mire. Our oxen were born in the mire, live in the mire, and die in the mire.

I will translate, according to what my momo friends tell me.

When your "Ox is in the mire" you are allowed to alter your Sabath schedule, as losing your ox would be a terrible event. Therefore, if something so drastic as "your ox being in the mire occurs," you can take care of that issue on Sunday, and alter your normal schedule.

That is why lamanites like us always have an ox in the mire. We are very busy on Sundays, getting our ox out of the mire.

I hope that is the correct interpretation. Sure I will be corrected if not.

You guys are talking mormon-speak, forgetting that the rest of the world thinks it is pig latin. Next you guys are going to start talking about food storage, and midwesterners will think that is beer and pizza, not flour and canned goods.

Trying my best to translate for the non-western states crowd.

As I think of it, you guys have a lot of missionary work to do in the rural upper midwest, and you spend all your time in Bolivia or Lithuania or Mozambique, or ......... What about Big Falls, Beach, Two Harbors, Ishpeming, Storm Lake, and other places where there exist many wretched souls in need of saving?
Alright, Here is a question. Let's say my Ox is'nt in a mire and it's Sunday, I have gone to church and had Dinner with the Elders and they have left. Can I as a Morman load a box of ammo, spread bread for the bear season...hunting stuff, but not hunting. What do you do and not get your butt in a crack? John:)
I see it this way. Sundays were suppose to be equivalant to the day of rest. How much more rest can you get than from sitting in your tree stand with your harness up tight so you don't fall out while you are asleep? Can't get much better than that. Fresh air and lots of good sleep with the sounds of nature all around you. You know some people pay money for CD's that have the sounds of nature on them. So there you go.
seems to me there's always a friend(even a new found one that you're looking for) that has an OX in the mire--not your fault you had to take along the bow or gun just in case some lunatic animal tried to take you out while on your search for your friend's mired OX-----see ya in the woods on all day's that end in "Y"......chris
Sundays are a Day of rest and Worship according to most all religious beliefs, no ? It then follows interpretations. If it means sitting behind a Fishing pole, Up in a tree stand, 10 hours at church, or hanging out on the couch at home with the kids. It's all how you look at it.

Thats like saying what does "An eye for an eye" mean ?

"Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you". Now I look at that as being nice to people. Schmalts looks at that as Grabbing butt. We all understand things in life differently.
Moosie, good luck to you on this new endeavor. but if its all the same to you, please keep this stuff west of the mississippi. we already have Jehovahs visiting. and no hunting on sunday? isn't that anti-american?:p:D
all sounds way too complicated to me. For me, i worry that it is at least 11AM someplace on a Sunday before I can crack my first beer without feeling guilty. I hunt when I am not working regardless of the day, I worship when I am hunting and thank god I am able to do the things i like to do. Spending time with friends and my wife and kid having a good time is more important to me than what someone's interpretation of a book is.
It is good that we all have beliefs though, as most religions provide moral standards. Mine is just less complicated even though many will think I will burn in hell. Shit, Satan needs firewood too right?:D
if they come when the Vikings are playing, things could get ugly, real fast.

Doesn't it usually get real ugly, real fast when the Vikings play? :D Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Congrats Moosie. Sounds like you took the same route my step-father did. He was married to my mom for 10 years, never missed a Sunday, was scoutmaster the whole time, paid in his tithe better than most, but never took the step of the baptism until 10 years went by.
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