Yeti GOBOX Collection

What's with the Morman's ??

Congrats Moosie!

I told you last time we were at Browtines playing poker....i mean reading scriptures :)....that you were only a few years away from getting dunked!! Congrats man, and congrats to your family......I wouldve loved to see your wife's reaction when you told her. I bet it was one of the best days of her life.....

Im proud of you brotha.
O.k, a serious question, why are you changing your religion instead of staying the same or her changing hers to your reigion? New beliefs or making the wife happy?
Just wondering.
O.k, a serious question, why are you changing your religion instead of staying the same or her changing hers to your reigion? New beliefs or making the wife happy?
Just wondering.

He's doing it because the church is true. :D
KIWI, I'm not one to tell others what to believe just like I don't feel forced to believe what others Believe. I'll run my own train. My wife and me have been married for over 13 years and dated 3 years prior with my side being catholic, her and her mom Being Mormon, and me being Nothing. Our families have done nothing but grow stronger each year. We even have Johova witness friends mixed in. If a family get's torn appart by religion or politics, there is more issues then that. It's easy to point fingers at one or two religions. Funny you only mention 2 religions, is there no other religions over there involved ? Or are they just the "Better" religion so it can't be their fault ;)

Guys, I could give a Ratz ass what any of you believe. Just like I expect you guys not to give a Ratz ass what I believe. I'm not doing anything for any of you or anyone else. I do things in life for me. Sounds selfish, yah, but it works. I am still who I am. I love the kids, I drive without a Seat belt, and I say shit. there is no Fake Sundays for "Others" and then when no ones around I do things I worry about someone seeing. (Well, You know, Except for "that" ;) )

Schmalts, if I was changing for the Wife, you'd think I might have changed 16-17 years ago when I met her ? I mean really... What would it gain me now ? Old dog around here :D

I keep you boys abreast of what happens in my life. You guys know when I have new kids, go on trips, play Soccer, cross the street and even sometimes when I take a dump !!! So I figured I would tell you I'm getting baptized. Just like taking a dump, it's my BIZZ what I do but I share it for conversation if you guys want to jump in. But I do what I want, not what anyone posts.

I'm guessing No one here will change how they see me no matter if I was a Catholic, Mormon, or Athiest. If you did, hit the road :) Thats always been the way things roll around here.

Thanks for the Kudos, Thanks for the Jokes, and Thanks for asking me why. You guys are top knotch. I still don't get offended and I can Still make a post and sleep at night.

If you think I'll get in a Religion battle with any of you though youre mistaken. "TRUE TO WHAT" ? Exactly, it is either true to you or it's not. Who am I to Judge, and I'm sure not one to preach. Except about Choco Shakes. I can't believe everyone isn't drinking more of them !!!

One thing you won't see is me taking down the Adult joke section. The whole reson it's there is to keep the Adult jokes off the open forums from the kids. I have and alway will like a good joke. Laughter is what makes the world go around. It's a permission only and I think everyone has their own rights. Next, you won't see a Religious section on the site. This is a hunting site. It's about hunting. If someone wants to talk religion there are pleanty of Religious boards to go to. Thats just how I feel :)

So, there is my Words for the night. :D I can't wait till next week though, I'm going to finally get out with the gun and go chase something. BOOOOYAH !!!!
I don't get it?:confused: The 10% rule?

Give Schmalts a break here. He lives back in the midwest, not too far where I grew up.

Until moving out west, I had never seen a Mormom, so I wouldn't have known crap about the white shirts on bicycles. But I do now, after twenty years out west.

Hell, last summer, I almost needed a bike rack in front of my house, they had sicked the missionaries on me so hard. All I could do to rake my own yard, as those guys were there every Tuesday night, with white shirts and ties, asking what they could do for me. Nice guys and I enjoyed the conversations. I told them that two of my best friends were momo's, and if they hadn't converted me in the last fifteen years, these missionaries were better served by investing their time in someone who might actually blink.

Growing up in Northern Minnesota, I knew two religions - Protestant and Democrat.

Now that I have escaped that bondage, my circle of close friends include a Jew, many Mormoms, a lot of Protestants, one Southern Baptist, and more Republicans than Democrats.

I wouldn't have known a Mormom, a Jew, or a Catholic, had they kicked me in the groin. And not that I cared. Still couldn't care.

So don't let 'em pick on you Schmalts. I bet they don't know some pretty important inside jokes from the Upper Midwest. We'll keep those to ourselves. :D:D:D

But like Moosie said. Religion is a choice for each person. Really is no one else's business, what religion, or if they don't want any religion. It has been a long time since I took US History, but I think freedom of religion was a pretty important issue for folks who sailed the Atlantic looking for the promised land. Good for your Moosie.

Just don't be sickin' those white shirted guys on me again. Don't they know that some of us belong to the Church of Monday Night Football and after dinner on Monday is not a good time to ring the doorbell. Hell, if they come when the Vikings are playing, things could get ugly, real fast.
Moosie, I thought I remember you saying once you didn't care much for dogs but were a big fan of doggie-style... you gotta give that up now too? :D :D

Seriously, best of luck to you and your family.
I just keep hearing Donny and Marie Osmond singing now.:confused::eek:|oo

Kudos to you Oscar.;)

Now playing at Flamingo in Vegas:)... but if you go Moosie... watch out for the Mexicans handing out "whore cards" on the street... could implode yer new religion
The funniest thing ever is to watch a pair of Momos back an LDS car out of a parking spot. One guy inevitably gets out, stands 15 feet behind the bumper and gives the "keep coming...keep coming....WHOA!!" hand signals.

Believe me, when you see it you will laugh your tookis off.

All of the 'muns I know are nice enough folks regardless of whether we share the same convictions (and most of my convictions were expunged with my juvenile record *rimshot*). :D
Mission? Riding bikes everywhere? Short-sleeved white shirts and ties? Get it?

Big fin is right, I would still not know what the hell that meant if he would not have typed it. We have about zero Mormons here so I have never seen them on bikes, with white shirts, or any color shirt for that matter. Strange... never even heard of the bike and shirt thing. We have more of the Jehovah witness types here that go door to door but they take a car:D
Hey, but I bet most of you have no clue what a bubbler is!! or have eaten raw beef and onion sandwiches on rye! or live in towns that have as many bars as houses!:D or houses with bars in the basements:D
Moosie, I thought I remember you saying once you didn't care much for dogs but were a big fan of doggie-style... you gotta give that up now too? :D :D

Seriously, best of luck to you and your family.

I'm not one to talk bedroom talk... OK, I am... but let's just say there's more then one way to get the job done and I like looknig at jobs at different angles :)

Do What I do Big Fin, "You boys wanna Beer?" Usually get rid of em! John

I always invite the Missionaries in for a beer :D
Moosie -

A seldom poster, but full-time lurker here...

Congrats. 3rd Best thing I ever did, after marrying up and having 3 great kids. I just happpened to do it be fore the other two things...

Enjoy the Baptism and continued fellowship. I am getting too well practiced at getting the ox out of the mire during on the sabath hunting season....


I am getting too well practiced at getting the ox out of the mire during on the sabath hunting season....
I've always liked how some members applied that story!! :D ;)

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