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What would you do.....


Aug 1, 2014
HT Crew,
I have a situation that really kind of rubs me the wrong way. :mad: I used to elk hunt with an older guy who had permission to hunt a fairly decent sized private ranch. I was lucky enough that he invited me to go bow hunting with him a few years back. It is a really cool ranch....but its not huge and it borders public land. It is also a little bit lower then the public ground 7-8k vs 8-11 k in elevation. I think the ranch would be amazing for later season rifle hunting. Anyway...after hunting with him and realizing that the elk numbers weren't stellar on the ranch (and also not wanting to infringe on his territory)I left the low country for him to hunt at his leasure and I spent most of my time hunting the higher elevations on the public portion. I hiked A LOT (like 70-80 miles, you can read my previous reports). I told him that the elk numbers were a lot stronger at this higher elevation (and its all around better elk country). Well....he is old and lazy....and wasn't too interested in hiking hard and putting in the leg work. In the 10-15 years of hunting this ranch he had went up on this higher elevation and mountain 1 time....and said he never cared to again. Now that I have set the scene......let me tell you why Im so pissed.

After hunting with this guy a couple years and us going our separate ways (we have night and day different hunting styles....he doesnt train at all....is out of shape and lazy....I want to cover ground and find elk)...I put in for a rifle tag for this unit. My buddy and I got lucky and drew our first year. We packed clear in to the public ground (from the public access road....not through the private ranch.....which would have made it 5x easier) and we managed to pop 2 good bulls. Since then word got back to him from a mutual friend and he is mad as hell at me for hunting "his" spot. To make things worse.....his private ranch he hunted on for all those years sold. That made him even more upset at me. So in my mind.....I am hunting public ground.....that he had little to no interest hunting to begin with....that I started hunting in the beginning to stay out of his way......that is all of a sudden now "his" spot. I got a text from him the other day asking me to stay out of the ENTIRE UNIT until such time that he gives up elk hunting all together. This doesnt sit well with me AT ALL. I put in hundreds of miles of leg work and found elk.....and they seem to be there every year. Now that he lost his other spot he all of a sudden wants me gone from this one. I would NEVER dream of contacting the land owner and ask to hunt that ranch.....or even trespass through it to get to the public ground. If I did it would make things 5 times easier for me. Instead we loaded up our packs and walked in the long way....just like anyone else on the planet can. Am I over reacting to this? Did i do anything wrong here? Help me out guys? And I am really not sure why I care so much. I probably should delete him from my phone and move on with life. I guess thats not in my nature. I think its just sour grapes on his part.
I would do exactly what you said, delete him from your phone and don't worry about it you are hunting PUBLIC land so tough sheet for him especially if he has no interest in hunting that area.
These things can sometimes be kind of a grey area. By the way you're explaining this, it doesn't sound like one of those situations. This sounds like typical hunting jealosy by your "friend". Doesn't really sound like you're doing anything wrong or negatively affecting his hunting in any way. Just my 2 cents.
You crossed the line in my opinion. You know that spot because he invited you there.
Should have asked first.
These things can sometimes be kind of a grey area. By the way you're explaining this, it doesn't sound like one of those situations. This sounds like typical hunting jealosy by your "friend". Doesn't really sound like you're doing anything wrong or negatively affecting his hunting in any way. Just my 2 cents.

I think its a little bit of jealously that life has passed him by and his best elk hunting days are behind him.....and with a little effort he could have been hunting these elk for many more years. Like I said....sour grapes.
You crossed the line in my opinion. You know that spot because he invited you there.
Should have asked first.

I think this is what is troubling me and you are exactly right. At the same time...he wouldnt have known there were elk on the public since he never hunted it. I DEFINITELY see where you are coming from Bob.
That is not his spot. He hunted the ranch and was to lazy for the public. He is only pissed off because he lost his easy meal ticket.
I think this is what is troubling me and you are exactly right. At the same time...he wouldnt have known there were elk on the public since he never hunted it. I DEFINITELY see where you are coming from Bob.

Understood, but you just can't go around him in my opinion, without saying something first or you end up in the situation you're in. It's just a respect thing.
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I probably should delete him from my phone and move on with life.

Yup, ignore him and move on. You'll feel better and as an added bonus it will probably piss this guy off even more.

I also don't see how you crossed any line. Land adjacent to his spot is not his spot and that's even more true if he's never hunted nor had any intention of hunting the adjacent land. Would he feel the same way if some random unknown guy killed an elk up there?
I agree sir. But I did invite him up and he didn't care to put in that much work..... I can definitely respect your opinion though and that is EXACTLY why I posted this thread.....to get ALL angles and opinions. Thank you sir. I think I will let it sit awhile and then call him or take him to lunch and try to make it right with him.
Understood, but you just can't go around him in my opinion, without saying something first or you end up in the situation you're in. It's just a respect thing.

What disrespect was there? He hunted PUBLIC land and hiked in without going through the ranch. The old man didn't want to put in the effort to help himself out, so he lost out. It's not a respect issue. If eyeguy went on the ranch without the old man, then sure, I can see it being wrong. But, he circumvented the ranch all together and hunted public land, so there shouldn't be any issue. The old man could have joined him and hunted the public, but he chose not to...his loss. Eyeguy can't be held responsible for putting in time and effort and work to get a bull on public land when he did nothing that involved the ranch. By your logic, he shouldn't hunt an entire unit because he was invited onto a private ranch within the unit...? That's assenine, in my opinion. Eyeguy did nothing wrong in my opinion. Why should he be punished for the other guy's lack of effort?
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Well I don't think you have done nothing wrong but at the same time you are right maybe you should meet the guy for lunch to settle your differences and both guys can come to an agreement and still be friends.
You did put in the leather work most definitely but you also at the same time ran across this good public area by his generosity to allow you onto the private ranch to begin with. Maybe he became sore because you took someone else into the public?
Personally, I think the problem for me is when you brought a buddy in there. Yes, you're on public now but he clued you in on that area (even if at lower elevation).
I want to preface this by saying that I am dealing with a somewhat similar situation, where I have hunted all my life is on some family land and one of the family members is I think trying to phase us out and hunt the prime ground leaving us to figure out the public land above that borders the private. That being said, I have taken my friends in and have shown them some of the public ground above my "spot," and I know full well that since that ground is public, they have every right to go up there. I think the OP did a solid by doing his homework, and offering to help the older gentleman out to try to find an elk on the public ground. I think the older gentleman kind of "lost" any reason to piss and moan about the situation when he refused the offer to hunt the public ground and when the OP and him started going separate ways. From that point, even though the friend originally took the OP to the spot, they were again hunting mostly on their own. I don't think the OP stepped across any line, because he was initially taking the high road and offering to better the opportunity and the other gentleman refused.
I understand you protecting your spot. I has never come into any conversation I have ever had. Hunt with family. Primarily deer, but there is a sweet public spot for Barbary.

I would not hesitate at all of giving advice for a hunting spot. I realize I am not a fanatic. It is public land and no picnic. In New Mexico, those primo spots, and you are still hunt your ass off and good luck.

In believe that most spots in our state(southeast New Mexico) are well known. Just how hard you want to hunt.

Southwest New Mexico( the Gila) is much the same. You know the good spots. How hard are you willing to work.

There is nothing wrong with taking a new hunter to someone's perceived spot if it is public.

I do see a more possessive attitude in other states.
The air needs to be cleared between you two, I'd just let him know that you're not going to clear out, you did your own homework and put in the miles and time. Let him know that you have zero interest in moving out and will continue to hunt the public lands. If he has a problem then he can deal with it, your conscious is clear and never infringed on anything related to him. It's sad that some people are that narrow minded, you're in the correct IMO and I wouldn't worry about it. But if he's willing to go as far as to tell you to clear out of the unit, I'd set a trail cam outside of my set-up to keep an eye out. He might do something stupid if he finds your camp while your hunting. Good luck!
Guys I appreciate the feedback and the words of encouragement. And I certainly respect the opinions that think that I may have been somewhat in the wrong (no denying that I wouldnt have found this stretch of public if he had not taken me to the ranch). I guess what bothers me is that I care a great deal about how others think of me....and I guess more importantly....how they feel I have treated them. The last thing I ever want is for someone to think that I have done them wrong. I think the recent ranch sale has a little to do with this and am sure is a tender subject. I think what I am going to do yet again....is try to take the high road out. I will let it settle and cool off and then offer to make it right with him. If he still is ill towards me then I think I will be able to live with it. Another thing I didn't mention at the beginning (which is somewhat relevant) is that this guy has had like 6 different elk hunting partners in 10-15 years. He can be very difficult to deal with and is very stubborn....which is also contributing to some of the messages he has sent me. Its just the way he is but I respect him. Thanks again.
I can see the shades of grey here, it's true you wouldn't have discovered that public ground if not for your friend, it's also true that he had no interest in hunting that public ground. In the end though it seems like you are well clear of his former access and where you are hunting has no impact on him even if he were to have access to the ranch.
You don't owe the guy a thing! You're hunting a stretch of public land he said he's not even interested in hunting! It's a different altitude, a different environment, different elk. I'd say go ahead and hunt and don't lose sleep over the guy. I wouldn't delete him from your contact list though, just so you know who's calling or texting and you can screen him.

It's ok to care what people think about you, but only when those people are stand-up people themselves...
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