What would you do?


New member
Nov 23, 2015
Bend, OR
Looking at the season dates for archery here in Oregon, I noticed that a new moon will begin on September 1st. That falls on the Thursday before the second weekend of the season. Season starts Saturday August 27th. I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to do with my limited number of days off that I have but thought it might be an interesting scenario I would pose to the hunt talk community.

Would you rather hunt the opening 4 days of this archery season, or would you rather hunt the second week of season which starts off with a new moon? I know there are pluses and minuses for both scenarios but would love to hear your thoughts. There are other factors that most likely will come into play between the two weeks but I'll see if anyone brings those up as reasons why they would choose one week over the other.
Personally I think that stuff about hunting during the full moon is just an old hunters tale. Hunt when it's most convenient for you.
Personally I think that stuff about hunting during the full moon is just an old hunters tale. Hunt when it's most convenient for you.

Not this old hunter. I never believed in that crap, and neither did anybody I knew.

Hunt the whole season if you can.
The unpressured elk is the reason I will be hunting the opening week. Even though we hunt wilderness, I think that first day or two Of the season is prime time(other than peak rut) before they realize what time of year it is and they are still on their summer schedule.
Sounds like I'm the outcast, but I rarely hear bugles until the 7th or 8th of September, and definitely not in August. But I'm a newb archer. Have had bulls come in completely silent though as well when were patient and do 30 minute calling sets.

In your shoes I'd peg a wallow or waterhole that elk are hitting and sit that opening weekend. Scouting would be key.
im an oregon native and have killed many bulls the first few days of the season by blind calling, almost all the bulls come in silent but its very effective before the hoochie mamma crowds show up!
after many years of archery hunting here in Oregon,i would wait till the last 2 weeks of the season as the moon will be far better then and it seems they get more into the rut about sept 14th thru the end of sept when it closes.early season can be successful,but I have not done nearly as well as later in the season on archery Oregon elk.
in the few yrs i have been hunting [ 40 yrs ] i have never ever looked to see what the moon will be like on the days i might be out hunting. i hunt on the 3rd rock from the sun not the moon. does a full moon make all game go under ground for a week ???
if i got off my lazy ass and looked up to see what the moon was doing on any of my past hunts where i shot an elk or a deer or a bear or a whatever i bet i would find it was in any and all from very little to full moon .ever thinking can be a bad thing sometimes
I also like the early days in Oregon. I saw more deer this opening day of archery Elk/Mulie, than I did in just about any SEASON back in Michigan.
Early and often early is good for less pressure on the animals late for a chance at a love sick bull.
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