What would you do with 9pts in Wyoming?


Jan 18, 2015
Dad will have 9 pts going into next year's draw. He is a 70 year old wore out ball player so the terrain can't be too bad. Looking for some new areas and units to consider. Not looking for someone's spot. Thanks
Good luck. I have 9 also but have to wait a Year. I will be watching the responses you get I will be 63 when I hunt it. Same here wore out ball player..Good LUCK....BOB!
I am considering unit 120 just because ive seen that area in the past. Not sure if unit 7 still has the hype it once did or how good the access is to get in. Wonder if it is better with 9 pts to use an outfitter and make the most of it or still go DIY.
Good luck to you. Let us know how it all shakes out.
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Sounds like a once in a lifetime deal. If his mobility is in question an outfitter may be the answer, Not sure if unit 7 with 9 points will require a special application this year or not. But if you’re using an outfitter on horseback you could probably apply in any number of units.
Tell the old man to hit the treadmill and get those knees in shape! And bring the fungo bat, I need some outfield practice.

Let me know where you end up drawing next year. Depending on my tags I might be able to come along. Or at least call me if you get one down and need some help packing.
Need the fungo for trekking pole lol

Will see what units we can draw and which ones he can hike in ... Will keep you posted
Right now i am looking for the pros cons from ppl that have been in the units 7, 19, 23, 45, 49, 120 that have been in those units lately. Or other units that I may not be considering.
Like I told you in the pm I sent you. Your dad is not going to be in this position again. Go outfitted. The unit I suggested in my pm is where I will burn my points if/when I can physically go.

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