Caribou Gear Tarp

What would you do? Flying neighbor.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Looks like my new neighbor wants to build an airstip on his land and fly willy nilly. 107 ac against a mesa and bordered by an easement and private properties. Not flat.
There are no codes in Catron county NM and no regulations from state CID. FAA will call
I did not move here to retire 12 years ago to live next to a MFing airport. I have not met them yet.Just heard they were retired nuke phys. , that both have planes & fly.....the only way is out over my place in prevailing winds.

Occums razor.Move to most remote uninhabited county in NM and new neighbors with wacky ideas. You cannot escape them.

Looking for input,ideas or SAMS.
Just asking for a friend.......who could or could not be dealing with PTSD and is armed.
Options: Sell before the property value degrades; visit and see what they are like - they might help you scout; declare war and die sooner from stress and frustration; start shopping for a place you like more with no airplane options available.
Anyone got any barrage balloons handy?
Sheriff already knows & is looking into it,which means nothing. He does know demeanor of said property owner & his history....understands the situation which has grow in county.
NM ...what's a code?
Just talked to FAA lady and she wants plot of land map to aid looking for limitations.
Every fall I return to Montana Hi Line to hunt. The RV trailer court and two motels I stay at are situated within a stone's throw of BNSF tracks. I just phase out the train racket and don't even notice. The RV place and one of the motels are within earshot of municipal rail crossings. Yep, CLANG, CLANG, CLANG day and I night and I don't even notice.

I live in town so bylaws protect me and my property values from unruly slobs (and contractors who cut corners). I love the outdoors too much to plant my alien arse on it year round. Everyone having their little piece of the "Last Best Place" has ruined Montana. I'm a multimillionaire (not counting real estate) and could easily buy a decent size ranch to lease out for grazing or chop up into useless little Cabelas size hunting paradises with McMansions on every quarter section. But I'll stay in town here and be a visitor to Montana as long as I can make the 25 hr drive. That way I can still look myself in the mirror on my dying day and know I wasn't part of the problem. The downside is refusing to be a transplant land wrecker will exclude me from Montana politics. Or maybe it's an upside? Eventually (probably sooner than later) my reluctance to be another transplant invader will probably also exclude me from hunting in Montana. Oh well, I'm about at the end if that rope anyway. I can only mourn for the next generation who won't know what they've lost.
"Interfering animals during legal hunts" 2 day before during & after limits on flying.
Hunting season is year round in Catron county, just about.

Has bird stamp.
Can build firing range anywhere here. Target at neighbors gate.
Pest control is always an issue.

Not rich & not moving. Might be considered a bit off kilter anyway by some.

Meet new neighbor and let them know it was mistake to assume? Just give the look?
Go full jungle.
One does have a few options...
Wander around within earshot yelling "Yippee-Ky-Yay" repeatedly.

If that fails, hit him up for some aerial scouting.
It just pisses me off that they would just assume it was OK and obviously have no concern for neighbors.

Well that feeling can go 2 ways.

And here I had just got all my tags. Elk are happy. G&F is happy. A few hunters are very happy.
I am sething pissed right now.

I've flown.Screw that. I don't need a plane to find game.

I put the 30-30 on the dash last week for greeting all new neighbors anyway. Road hazzards.
Probably worth a chat before you assume the worst.

Might get lucky and they only fly once or twice a month and it won't really end up bothering you too much.

Might also find out they plan to fly daily and you're in for a battle.

Maybe you should start a ham radio operation at your house. Those towers are super protected under federal law from what I've seen. Can't imagine they'd want to land near a 50' radio antenna... just sayin
It just pisses me off that they would just assume it was OK and obviously have no concern for neighbors.

Well that feeling can go 2 ways.

And here I had just got all my tags. Elk are happy. G&F is happy. A few hunters are very happy.
I am sething pissed right now.

I've flown.Screw that. I don't need a plane to find game.

I put the 30-30 on the dash last week for greeting all new neighbors anyway. Road hazzards.
They probably didn't assume the neighbors would be ok with it....they probably don't care.

I'd try and meet them to see how they are and maybe you guys will get along well.

Also, they may not be there very often and it could be a non issue. We have a rich guy 5-6 miles down the road from us that built an airstrip two years ago. I have never seen a plane land there.
There’s a fair chance that they won’t fly all that much. About all you can do is get to know them. Explain concerns you might have.
Former co-worker lived on a grass strip and had and old Stinson. He was gone for a few days. Upon returning home, a cell tower had been erected on neighboring property right off his Rwy 9 departure end. He got upset, but there wasn’t anything he could do.
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