Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

What to wear?


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2016
Okay. 1st rifle southern Colorado. We'll assume highs 60 lows 25. Activity level moderate. Cold natured individual.

Should I wear fleece backed windproof pants (plythal prerut) or go with hiking pants (prana zion) and take wool longjohns and put my rain pants on if needed?
I'd be soaked in sweat wearing fleece lined pants. I'd maybe take the longjohns for sleeping, but I'm not cold natured.
I’d be inclined to go with more layers and leave the fleece pants. My husband is also somewhat cold-blooded, but he sweats quite a bit. Once that happens, he’s usually SOL for staying warm so he goes with maximum layers for maximum flexibility in temp regulation. Especially if you’re talking warm high temps.
Option 2. Layers are always more versatile. Not sure where you're going, but the forecast for where I'm headed has the highs a bit below where you have yours.
Thanks for the responses! Confirms where I was leaning.

Its southern Colorado bout 1 hr from NM. Around 10k feet mostly. 2 years ago I went 2nd rifle and highs around 40 lows like 20. The fleece lined pants were perfect. But I'm thinking unnecessary for this trip.
I have a pair of those Kuiu peleton zip offs that turn any pants into and out of fleece lined instantly. They are actually pretty brilliant, and add pretty much no weight to your pack.
For 1st rifle I wouldn't wear fleece pants and Im fairly cold natured too. Last year was brutally cold, lows close to the single digits and highs near 40ish. I really don't like wearing long underwear so I wear tall socks and the First lite boxers that go to the top of the knee, which only leaves the knee cap without a "baselayer". I wear Sitka mountain pants which are slightly heavier than the Prana zion (I assume). Given your situation, I'd go with the Prana's and get a set of puffy pants for glassing and sitting around camp. The FL uncompahgre pants are unreal. I wear them to bed when its cold too. Makes my 15 degree bag way warmer!
I would rather have to put clothes on because I'm cold, than take them off because I am overheating. Just my opinion.
I’m going to be hunting first season, I plan on going with Kuiu guide pants and then FL uncompaghre puffy pants for glassing and in my sleeping bag.

Backpacking or car camping? Maybe take both and make a game time decision at the car? Do your backed pants have vents you can open?

Personally I hate long underwear bottoms because practically speaking you can’t take them off... I’ve used my ascent pants with long underwear and inevitably I have to take them off and it’s a huge pain in the butt and you are dropping trou and taking your boots off and it’s muddy/windy/whatever. Bottom layers just aren’t practical unless they are full zip, ie puffy pants/ rain pants.
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I’m going to be hunting first season, I plan on going with Kuiu guide pants and then FL uncompaghre puffy pants for glassing and in my sleeping bag.

Backpacking or car camping? Maybe take both and make a game time decision at the car? Do your backed pants have vents you can open?

Personally I hate long underwear bottoms because practically speaking you can’t take them off... I’ve used my ascent pants with long underwear and inevitably I have to take them off and it’s a huge pain in the butt and you are dropping trou and taking your boots off and it’s muddy/windy/whatever. Bottom layers just aren’t practical unless they are full zip, ie puffy pants/ rain pants.

Ar some point I need to get some better tweener pants but budget blown for this year. Gotta use what I have. I'll take my fleece lined pants in case it does something crazy and just leave them in the truck. But the prana/wool baselayer/rain pant setup should get it done.
I hunted in fleece pants and a pullover once, and never again. Cascade Mountains in WA State and temps were in the 30's and 40's as we humped up the hills and into the valleys. I sweat so much I got cold when I stopped to eat my lunch I packed in with me. The sweat started to evaporate in the cold weather and the fleece didn't breath for nothing. Ice cold... That was the last time I wore fleece for any kind of moderate activity.

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