What Should I have Done/What Should I do?

Lone Billy

New member
Apr 29, 2013
I archery hunt elk on public ground in the Little Belts in Central MT. I hunt a roadless section that is about 2-2/12 miles as the crow flies from my truck, setting up a spike camp for about 5 days. A well used (but hidden) game trail accesses the country. This trail is not on any map. The hunting is good and I have never seen another hunter down in my "elk hole" until last year.

Last year while packing in I noticed two wheel tracks on the game trail. It was clear someone was illegally driving a motorcycle down into this great piece of public ground. Many of the elk I have seen have been on or near the trail. On Day 2 of my hunt last year, I hear something coming down the trail. I was hidden off the trail near a nice little saddle the elk like to use. Low and behold a guy coasting a motorcycle is coming down the trail. I walked out to confront him.

He insisted that the trail was marked and that the local warden had "given him the green light" to ride the trail. I know for a fact this was a lie. He wouldn't give me his name and there was no plate or other readily identifiable feature on his bike. He proceeded to tell me that he was local and had been doing this for years, and that his buddy had just shot a nice 6 point 5 days earlier. I wasn't sure what I could do other than to tell him that what he was doing was illegal and that if I caught him in there again I would videotape him with my iPhone and provide the video to the authorities. He turned around and blazed up the mountain. Needless to say I didn't see any elk for the next 24 hours.

What I did discover is that this guy has created several other "trails" in this area, as I found where he drove through a main creek and some feeder creeks, and where he utilized a saw to cut deadfall in an attempt to access another area about 2 miles to the east.

I love this area. It has become "my" place (I know its public open to all) that I dream about when fall comes around. It is steep, deep, and nasty, and that's why I hadn't seen another hunter until last year.

I'd like opinions on if I should have handled the situation differently, and what, if anything, I can do in the future should this "real hunter" show up again this September.

Thanks in advance.

Next time pee on his dirtbike tire to assert your dominance.........

Seriously though, unless you want an altercation right then and there all you can do is report it and hope the authorities will help you out. That is considering you are in the right
I'll tell you what not to do after a few more weeks of deferred sentence.....................
If its only a couple miles out, get out to his vehicle and get his license plate. Call Forest Service and report the motorized vehicle on the trail. I've had an immediate response during the dry season when fire danger is high.

Plan B would be whatever Dink has done/would do.

Plan C would be to have a handful of tire spikes and lay them on the trail when you hear him approaching. (Just make sure not to leave them after he's gone to avoid injury to an animal)

Plan D would be to take some MMA classes and acquire a Nacho Libre wrestling mask, then just do what needs to be done when the opportunity presents itself.
I think you did the right thing by confronting him. I dont tolerate illegal motorized use anymore, I dont give them "another chance".

I would have gathered all the information I could have and turned him in.

The guy was a flat liar, a game warden can not give anyone the "green light" to use any trail on Federal Land.

I've turned in a hand full of renegade "locals" in the past 10-15 years, including a highway patrolman in one instance and a sheriffs son another time. My hunting areas are seeing basically no illegal motorized use these days...wonder why?

Dont cut them any slack...report it.
Plan D would be to take some MMA classes and acquire a Nacho Libre wrestling mask, then just do what needs to be done when the opportunity presents itself.

This is for sure my next plan.

That or I'm going to follow them around all day in A$$less chaps, sooner or later they'll leave.
Sounds like your a law abiding citizen that follows the rules and regulations. Take a picture of this guy and then talk to FWP or the local game warden that covers this particular area and ask them what they recommend on how to handle this situation.

On a lighter side, give me the coordinates to this "elk hole" and I will help you out. :)
Document as much as you can.

Why not just call the local wardens and report him and then try to find the warden that gave him "permission". If no such warden exists then hopefully they do catch him, if he was telling the truth for some reason find out why the warden was allowing him to ride when it's not allowed(assuming it is not allowed), then report that warden to his supervisor and Forest Service.
Thanks for the replies. I did not report it at the conclusion of my hunt and I am regretting that decision. I'll call the authorities later this week and see what they have to say. I'm planning on packing in some game cameras this summer to use before lope season opens, and hopefully will catch him on camera this summer if he is out making new trails.

Have a good one.
Report it now even though they can't do anything about it. At least they will have a record of it so if you catch him again this summer they can recognize him as a repeat offender and may be more aggressive trying to catch and prosecute him.
Cell phone, digital camera and a GPS. Get location, pictures, video, and if in a service area, call LE immediately. I've nailed a number of these off-road "hunters" this way. I'm so sick of these God Damn 4-wheelers and motorcylcles where they aren't supposed to be. mtmuley
I. Hate. Internal. Combustion. Vehicles. Used. On. Closed. Trails.

I hunt the countryside to get away from the sounds of the city.

Change the law so the criminal, which is what they are, loses all items with them as well as the ATV or motorcycle. Poachers in states that lose the gun, truck, etc, get the message quickly that it is not a "pay $50" if get caught deal anymore to break the law.

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