What is the Best Hunting Magazine, and Why?


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
Moosie and I were having a discussion on thread content and length of posts. We also discussed quality of writing. In any event, it is now dawned on me that I have let all my subscriptions lapse on the various hunting magazines.

When I grew up, Dad always had a copy of Outdoor Life on the coffee table, and I grew up reading that. To this day, I still love to read Patrick McManus, and I actually think his stories are non-fiction, as they remind me of my stories. At times, I have subscribed to Sports Afield, Field& Stream, Peterson's Hunting Magazine.

So, just curious, what do you subscribe to and why? What do you occasionally buy at the newsstand?
I get Eastmans', Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal, Trophy Hunter and NA Whitetail. Good reading material when I am on the stair stepper.

As for non-hunting, MAXIM is about it.
I read a buncha different hunting magazines adn I don't really have a subscription to one. My dad gets Field and Stream. So I read that plus Hunter Illustrated, and Eastman's Hunting Journal, Outdorr Life, and wahtever else I can read at the store while my mom is shopping. (Keeps me out of trouble that way)
Quick Draw
I also subscribe to and like Eastmans and Eastmans Bowhunting Journel. Very informative for Western hunting and great pictures. Lots of good advive......especially for someone who does not live there!

The old stand bys like Outdoor Life and Field and Stream are still good but the articles seem to short........and abit less informative and more story like. Because they sell so well I guess this is what most people want.

I used to get Sports Afield........fantastic pictures and lots of information......then they went belly up (after they first turned into a yuppie health mag
...before going back to hunting/fishing) I have seen a few copies since then but do not know if they are still around or not.

Currently my favorite magazine is "Bowhunter". Lots of really good articles about hunting East & West. Great authors, informative posts.Lots of excellent do it your self information. For now it is my number one
What kinda rag are you interested in EG? Are you looking for such information as; how to advice, the newest gear, and stories? Or are you looking for an adventure type magazine with nothing but stories and pics? I enjoy the latter, and if this is what you are interested in, I would suggest either Big Game Adventures or Sports Afield. I have plenty of subscription forms at home for BGA, or you can get a subscription from www.bgamag.com . SA underwent a major change in appearance about a year ago. I wish I would of picked up a copy when I seen it last, but I thumbed through it instead and alas, have not been able to find a copy since. Guess I need to just get a subscription through the net http://www.sportsafield.com/ .

I really don't care for any of Eastman's magazines. I'll pick up a copy when I hear someone from the board gets published, but that is really it. Too many corny stories..."I killed my elk with my trusty matthews Q2 using only the finest Easton Carbon's tipped with a razor sharp Muzzy, but couldn't of even had the opportunity to do so without my "Natural Gear" camo and Leica 10x42's." I don't even think the editors proof the material sent in...most of the stories I lose interest in really quick.

I also get tired of reading about whitetail deer hunting, thus another reason I tend to like BGA. Hunts take place from around the world; Africa, NZ, Argentina, yatta, yatta, yatta.

I normally always get the current issue of the Fishing and Hunting news,for the fishing reports on the rivers.The Salmon Trout and Steelheader is always a good read for me since I am still learning the fishing stuff.I currently dont have any subscriptions I normally just thumb thru the magazines at the store until I find one with some good reading.Normally it is a Petersons Hunting mag orthe Rifle Shooter mag.
Muley Crazy all the way! Best on the market. Big Buck is followed closely behind it. Trophy Hunter and Hunting Illustrated would come in 3rd and 4th. I grew up on Outdoor Life and Peterson Hunting but can't really stand them now. Not much for good reading material for even the can.
I dont subscribe to any, its the same crap every issuie. I do on occasion pick up the Big Buck magizine in the store.
I subscribe to Whitetail hunting,Sports Afield an Outdoor Life. I too think McManus stories are NON FICTION. Some of the things he writes about aren't to far off from some of my youthful adventures. Then I get the magazines from the different orgs. I belong to: Turkey Call, North American Hunter (NRA) and the North American Hunting Club mag.
I subscribe or have subscribed to a few different magazines. I think my favorite was the Sports Afield phoenix, AFTER its granola days and BEFORE its last closure. It was factual and had several good nuggets of info in each issue, along with traditional folksy nonsense and the like. It wasn't afraid of the truth, nor was it painfully sarcastic a la Field and Stream.

I haven't read it since its last reincarnation.
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