Yeti GOBOX Collection

What is in your First Aid kit?

duct tape is a must, also started recently carrying the clotting pads. hopefully never use it, but 2 years ago was deer hunting in a shotgun only area and after a day of hunting found 2 small holes in my safety orange vest that i was wearing, after further inspection, i found 2, 00 buck pellets between the outer shell and liner of the vest. that was enough for me.
My new favorite item is a benzoin tincture swabstick. They saved my feet on a backpack sheep hunt.
I always carry a RATS Rapid Application Tourniquet System with me, over 80% of deaths are caused by excessive bleeding out. This system doesnt mean you lose a limb if you have to use it like some of the others, you can also do it one handed (watch the vid) and came highly recommenced by my buddy who is an ER nurse. Keep it in the truck at the least. That, a gauze pack, Leukotape, and some pills is all I usually bring.
Good advice above.

Gun powder and a lighter is a solid option as well.

If you can't pull a bullet with your teeth, then bring a set of pliers.
To those of you considering a surgical stapler- they sell them as veterinary supplies for under $20, sterile, with the staple remover (you really need this, don't use pliers). I would rather use one of those than try to sew myself up. Anything is better than that.
Duct tape, two band-aids, pressure dressing square, quick clot, aspirin, moleskin, superglue.

Have only used the moleskin (hot spot) and duct-tape/dressing square (closed a decent gash on leg)...both times, was able to stay (solo) on the mountain and continue hunting.
What's the debate on this ^^?

Crittergitters friend saved his life from a grizzly attack with this stuff according to the air medics that pulled him off the mountain. Just curious if there is something I'm missing?

Yeah, I’m not sure what the debate is either. I carry quick-clot and a tourniquet with me in my car pretty much all the time. They weight next to nothing, and I’d much rather have it than not. Could be the difference in losing a leg, or losing a life.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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