Sitka Pre Season Savings

What Idaho zone...............


Active member
Jan 5, 2001
Omaha, NE usa
What Idaho zone are you putting in for to hunt--

I'm thinkin' we (bullshit, another buddy and I) are going to try the Sawtooths this year--chris
I doubt that I'll get to my native ID this fall for elk.....because of a new job, baby due in August and a 2 week Alaska trip in Sept.....

From my experience I've been able to get into bulls in every area I've hunted by packing in away from the peoples.
reebok--20A or 26 or 27 are you headed into--going guided or self--I was in 27 last year and know where NOT to go---GITTERDUN---chris
I'm thinking about trying my luck on a moose this year but not good odds. If I don't draw that, even I don't know where I'll go. It's too early to tell. Please let me draw a moose tag!!!!!!!!!
csutton7 said:
reebok--20A or 26 or 27 are you headed into--going guided or self--I was in 27 last year and know where NOT to go---GITTERDUN---chris

csutton7: Going to come and scout this summer. Am going into 20a and hunt towards the 26 border. Hunting between the Cold Meadows airstrip and the Cabin Creek airstrip. I believe that is right on the divide between 20a and 26. This is tentative, but is the plan for now.

cool--we hunted in the lower part of 27 and a buddy of mine(along with 3 others) hunted in 20a around chicken springs--they came out empty--they saw elk, but they had some real nasty weather that kept them camp bound for 2 or 3 days--this was in sept---chris
That's why they call it hunting... :) I think the summer trip will tell us more. But we will hunt hard and have fun.
Not saying what unit I'm appyling for, need to keep other people from looking at it. ;) If I don't draw, and I probably won't then I'll probably get a Dworshak or maybe a panhandle tag.

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