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What does he score

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Surely good genetics, but he does look young and he looks barely (or maybe not quite) outside his ears. Not saying I wouldn't shoot him on the right tag, but if you have a bigger option, I would probably be focusing my efforts that direction. I am not a very experienced field judge, so my opinion on his score is probably pointless, but with him still having on velvet and being real wide I think I might say mid 150s. It wouldn't shock me to hear that he is a 2.5 year old with good genetics.
Who cares about the score? Scores are for impressing people on TV.

Yes, that's true, there are some idiots. But scores are actually for record keeping, tracking growth/decline and knowledge of the herd.

It's still cool to see what critters score, especially in the summer when there is nothing else to do besides scout and talk about hunting on the internet.
Holy smokes.... I haven't been on here for a while, oh my... IMO 160" net, tops.

The net score of the B&C / P&Y scoring system is universally used for comparison between known antlers/horns/skulls of other animals. So, his question about the size of the deer antlers in the video is something that he can use to compare and judge the approximate size. He also is looking at another deer with possibly bigger antlers. Knowing the estimated size of these antlers will help him judge the size of his #1 buck. The score of antlers does have a purpose other than egos on forums, magazines or TV. To each his own... no need to get your panties in a wad over an internet forum... I prefer DD's myself. Ed F
No one has ever said anything more true in this forum. Worrying about a set of antlers is like finding the perfect woman in a bar that you have everything in common-- smart, funny, great job... oh but her rack isn't big enough so I'll pass up the shot. The question then shifts to are you actually looking to meet a great woman or are you just wanting a certain bra size? Do we hunt for meat, and the experience, and to be one with nature and everything else we tell people when they ask us or are we looking for antlers? I'd shoot a spike if it was big and legal

Amen. Preach, preach! Horn porn is the road to eternal damnation. How many of our youth must be sacrificed to the sins of trespass and poach before we teach that the adventure is not about the head gear laying on the ground but about woodsmanship and ethical behavior that would make your parents proud even when no one is looking? Turn off the corn flingers. Take down the trail cams. Get out there and hunt.
It's more to kill an animal that's half grown and still has milk on its lips.

No ones suggesting killing a baby buck. Spikes and small antlered deer can be due to bad genetics or injury, not just age. And I'd argue that eliminating them from populations does a lot for the sport overtime, creating more of these trophies via reproduction that everyone seems to want. I understand my opinion isn't a popular one, but I have just as much fun as everyone else here that hunts, make just as many memories, but I get to kill and eat a whole lot more deer bc I don't pass up big game just because the antlers won't impress my friends. Food for thought, pun intended. Anyone who says it's not to impress friends and family is being disingenuous-- you're all the same guys who post pictures, send pics to friends, and then hang the antlers in your house for the story to tell people when they come over. Which is fine, but don't turn around and tell the tree hugger you're defending yourself to that hunting is for meat and conservation.
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Even Randy and Steven Rinella both talk about how they don't trophy hunt and don't worry about measurements. I'm saying the same thing and getting it from all directions.
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Even Randy and Steven Rinella both talk about how they don't trophy hunt and don't worry about measurements. I'm saying the same thing and getting it from all directions.

Yep, and I tried to defend you and the Boss told me to shut up, LOL!
Even Randy and Steven Rinella both talk about how they don't trophy hunt and don't worry about measurements. I'm saying the same thing and getting it from all directions.

You've made a lot of statements here I disagree with. If someone is passing up bucks because they are only 3 points, too narrow, not deep enough forks, too thin horned, etc, you're trophy hunting to an extent, you just are and not a damn thing wrong with that either. It may not be all about score for sure but it's about a lot of other factors I just Layed out and theres no denying that. Why do you have an issue with hunting for big bucks anyhow, I eat the meat just the same as you, every damn ounce of it and by going home empty handed more often than not I'm leaving more for other hunters to harvest, no? I trophy hunt so I can't lay claim to conservation, really? You shoot all the does and 2 points you want and I say good for you, but please let me hunt how I want and dont make ridiculous statements about me being an egomaniac who doesn't believe in conservation, because you are way way off base if that's indeed what you're implying.
Anyone who says it's not to impress friends and family is being disingenuous-- you're all the same guys who post pictures, send pics to friends, and then hang the antlers in your house for the story to tell people when they come over. Which is fine, but don't turn around and tell the tree hugger you're defending yourself to that hunting is for meat and conservation.

So, what exactly do you do when you kill an animal? Do you keep it a secret from everyone, even your wife? So, a baby buck isn't cool with you... just as long as someone doesn't pass up a buck, that's acceptable for you and should be for all other hunters? Just wondering why you are preaching to others... about what is right for you. Scoring animals has been around since B&C started a scoring system in the 1920's and is probably not going away... egos definitely aren't going away, especially on this thread... To each their own. Ed F
I'm not talking about anyone in particular. It's a generic argument. When one passes up a big deer just because it's "not quite what they're looking for", they're saying that the antlers are more important than the meat. Period. Anyone with logic and common sense would see that. And once again, THAT'S FINE. I'm not here to bash anyone. I said that to me, it's not morally in line with the reasons I hunt and the reasons I hear countless people tell others why they hunt. If you're not one of those people, then great, I'm not talking about you. I have no doubt that you have good intentions and meat is at least one of the reasons you hunt. But very simple logic tells us that if someone passes up a buck hoping for bigger antlers, meat is obviously not the priority because they, as you pointed out, end up going home empty handed often. Don't tell your friends that you want to meet a smart and funny woman when you passed her up at the bar because she wasn't pretty enough. At that exact moment, looks became the priority. There is absolutely nothing else to be said to defend that hypothetical person.

I wish you luck u1299 in your search for your big rack, I have absolutely nothing against you and your philosophy, it's just not how I think. I should also point out it's not how a lot of younger people think. I know we don't care about my generation, but if the sport is to survive, we have to persuade them that this isn't a barbaric hobby. Right or wrong, it comes off that way when they hear people say that they're only interested in killing the big one and putting his head on the wall.

So, what exactly do you do when you kill an animal? Do you keep it a secret from everyone, even your wife?

I go home and serve it to my family. I have never boasted-- I have never posted a picture. I don't relay hunting stories, and I don't keep or own any antlers/turkey beards. I don't have a problem with those that do, it's just not me. Something that seems to have gotten lost and misinterpreted in all this is that I have no issue with everyone hunting how they want as long as it's legal. I was trying to tell the, probably irritated by now, author of this thread that the deer in question was a beautiful buck and to go for it, regardless of his score.
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I'm legal, ethical, a conservationist and hope every year to get a big buck by my standards. Based on my success over the last 10 to 12 years I'll probably go home empty handed but that's fine. I'll spend close to 3 weeks hunting with my one and only hunting companion, my son, like I've done with him for the last 20+ years and create more hunting memories. If I get a buck great, even better if he does, but I'm already looking forward to it regardless the outcome. Good luck to you also Brachii.
. Don't tell your friends that you want to meet a smart and funny woman when you passed her up at the bar because she wasn't pretty enough. At that exact moment, looks became the priority.
Is this resentment from the reigning champion of the ugly girl contest, at bars, in his youth?

Even Randy and Steven Rinella both talk about how they don't trophy hunt and don't worry about measurements. I'm saying the same thing and getting it from all directions.
Does Randy shotgun approach big game applications for the best meat hunts across the west?
Too bad your thread got highjacked
Hes only mid 150s I think. Antlers aren't outside the ears. Backs are a little weak.
Kill him and let us know
Even Randy and Steven Rinella both talk about how they don't trophy hunt and don't worry about measurements. I'm saying the same thing and getting it from all directions.
Depends on the definition you use for trophy hunting. It's not much of a stretch, I don't think, to characterize your posted stance that passing a legal animal is trophy hunting. Under that premise, both Steven and Randy have done so at times on film...
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