What does he score

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Perhaps your reading comprehension skills also lack.....please refer to post #4. :)

"post #4" has nothing to do with the post he quoted you from chastising him for giving his opinion. I stand by my opinion as well...scores and measurements are for impressing your buddies and father in law. I shoot what excites me, whether it's a doe or forkie or 160. That's what hunting should be about...excitement and thrill. Are you going to spank my pee pee too for giving my opinion?
"post #4" has nothing to do with the post he quoted you from chastising him for giving his opinion. I stand by my opinion as well...scores and measurements are for impressing your buddies and father in law. I shoot what excites me, whether it's a doe or forkie or 160. That's what hunting should be about...excitement and thrill. Are you going to spank my pee pee too for giving my opinion?

.....and John, I think that's awesome! But remember, he didn't ask "what's a trophy to you?"........he asked a specific question on size and a few of you chose to impart YOUR beliefs on hunting mature animals rather than trying some useful information. It seems to happen a lot anymore these days.......no disrespect meant to either of you, just reminding folks that if you don't agree with a topic and have nothing beneficial to add specifically, perhaps typing nothing is better? Good luck to you guys this year........I hope you let the air out of a big one......or whatever makes you happy!
just reminding folks that if you don't agree with a topic and have nothing beneficial to add specifically, perhaps typing nothing is better?

And if this were forum in soviet Russia, I'd agree with that logic. But I can assure you I wouldn't care if I posted the question "which of these cow elk calls works best" and someone else responded recommending I don't use a cow elk call, but rather, try out this bugle call... technically not answering my question, as I specifically asked about cow elk calls, but the input and his opinion are welcome. It's certainly not going to be ridiculed. "Hey guy! The man asked about cow calls. If you don't agree with his hunting techniques, keep your bugle nonsense to yourself"
Forks are symetrical but not real deep. Spread is about 26 inches. Still in velvet, it's difficult to judge diameters. I'd guess between 165 and 175 inches//
Forks are symetrical but not real deep. Spread is about 26 inches. Still in velvet, it's difficult to judge diameters. I'd guess between 165 and 175 inches.
At the risk of being "that guy" - I'd say 70 at most per side and a 18-20" inside spread.

He looks like an awful young deer with some potential if he can make it 3 or so more years.
At the risk of being "that guy" - I'd say 70 at most per side and a 18-20" inside spread.

He looks like an awful young deer with some potential if he can make it 3 or so more years.

I saw him last year and he was a smaller four point. I think he's put on around 20 in this year.

That's all 'noble and everything'.......BUT.....the original poster asked folks what they thought the buck would measure. If you're not personally into that, then don't reply. Why post something that has a negative connotation about it?

Pot meet kettle, LOL! Maybe you should practice what you preach, seeing as how you haven't added anything of value to this thread and are instead telling everyone what to do like you're in charge of this Forum!

That's all 'noble and everything'.......BUT.....the original poster asked folks what they thought the buck would measure. If you're not personally into that, then don't reply. Why post something that has a negative connotation about it?

I totally agree, not a thing wrong with guessing what this buck or any buck scores. Some want to act as if shooting a buck based on score is for impressing other people, that's BS. If I choose not to shoot a buck cause he doesn't meet the standards of what I'm looking for whether it's score, width, mass etc., that's my choice and because of that I go home empty handed more often than not, and I bet I enjoy the experience and time with family as much or more than probably anyone. The buck is about 155 imo.
Pot meet kettle, LOL! Maybe you should practice what you preach, seeing as how you haven't added anything of value to this thread and are instead telling everyone what to do like you're in charge of this Forum!

Actually BOHNTR did respond to the original question. If you are just looking for an argument, why don't you save it for another forum.
Actually BOHNTR did respond to the original question. If you are just looking for an argument, why don't you save it for another forum.

No one's referring to his original post, but rather when he completely digressed the conversation just to bash my opinion, which was completely relevant to this topic. I continue to preach that those who pass on shooting a big buck just bc of the size of his antlers are no different than passing a great woman because of her cup size. It's morally icky and shallow to me-- but that's just one man's opinion. Everyone can hunt how they please as long as they are shooting legal game. My orignal intent, as I pointed out, was to convince him to not over think the buck and to go for it. If anyone wants a straight answer and no discussion whatsoever, then forums are not for you. Take your question to a professional at an outfitter or something. That's not meant to sound aggressive, it's just the truth-- forums are literally called discussion boards
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This site is going downhill with all the preaching.
If a person hunts for meat - great.
If a person hunts for horns - great.
Start your own post if you want to preach.

I agree with greenhorn.
18" inside maybe 24" outside. Decent mass. Top would be 160 inch once he finishes.
He is getting close but let him grow 20 more inches next year and he will be a stud.
Good luck on the other buck!
Thanks for sharing the pic!
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Pot meet kettle, LOL! Maybe you should practice what you preach, seeing as how you haven't added anything of value to this thread and are instead telling everyone what to do like you're in charge of this Forum!

Hey Top, put a cork in it. The comment you replied to was good advice and tactfully stated. Say something constructive or stay quiet.
If he's a 160 this year as a younger deer, he might be in the 170's next year, and maybe grow into a 200 in a couple years. It looks like he has good genetics, so it might be worth letting him live a couple years if you're concerned about his score...? That's the slippery slope of targeting a specific deer on public land. Yes, he's a nice deer, but if you pass him someone else might not. It's a conundrum. That's why I go by the boner factor...if a deer gets you excited, shoot it. I have a terrible habit of shooting the first deer I see, hence I've only ever shot 1 branch antlered buck. Hopefully that changes in November :cool: I still say score shouldn't matter, but if it does to you, then you have a chance at a bigger deer another year or two older.
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Here is a buck with similar characteristics as the buck you posted. This buck scores 175 (27-in wide), and IMHO has 15 to 20 inches on the buck in the video. Regardless, I'd be happy with that buck. 20170724_123012.jpg
I think (a) people tend to overestimate live scores and (b) bucks look bigger in velvet so I would say 140. That said, that's heartbeat buck for me, no matter how far I'd have to pack him.
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