Caribou Gear

What do I do?

Why? If the rifle is accurate, the scope is sufficient. Magnification does not equal range. That seems to be popular misconception.
I beg to differ. When you’re looking at a herd of elk at 300+ yards in the last few minutes of light, and you’re trying to distinguish between cows/spikes as they file through an opening in the trees, a 9 or 10x scope with good clear glass makes a world of difference.
Two options, if I was you. Of course, I am not.

Leave as is and use on “lay up easy” hunts. By that I mean hunts where harvest rates are high due to target rich environment on calm animals where can get within 200 yards or so. You would be hunting as your grandfather did.

The only other option I would consider is a $1000 - $1500 scope to make this my “go to” rifle on most hunts. Good glass extends your hunt window into more minutes at first and last light which are sometimes the only great part of the day to see animals. I think the total weight of the gun, scope and ammo make this heavier than most set-ups so, if I am correct, this would not be my main gun as my hunts out West often required pack-ins and elevation so a lighter set up was appreciated by my shoulder and back.
That’s interesting. Mine shoots really well. At 200 yards I’ve consistently got fist sized groups. 300 was a bit of a struggle but I figured I’d limit myself to 200.
That's good to hear and restores some faith in the platform. It's hard to tell at those sight in days what the issue is because it can be so many things with the avg guy that comes in but usually things aren't universally that bad. Not out of the likelihood that every one of them either had a defective mount/scope or just had too much of a flinch to shoot a reasonable group.
Sentimental value in a gun is more with the gun in my experience. My grandpa gave me a .338 and it had a 3-9 Leupold on it. Super clear, great scope. I wanted something that I could stretch out further with it as it's a great gun capable of long range shooting. My grandpa was all over the idea of upgrading scopes. That being said, that scope killed animals with that gun from Africa to New Zealand, even the arctic for a Polar Bear and everywhere in between. Out to about 500 yards without dialing or a fancy reticle.

We overcomplicate things in reality. My grandpa shot 100s of critters with that gun and a 3-9 scope on it. I just wanted to be able to shoot further for my own desires I suppose. There might be a day I go back to the simplicity of a 3-9, but for now I want to have the option of reaching out further than those are capable of allowing. I currently have that 3-9 mounted on a 7mag, I don't have the sentimental attachment to that like I do to the rifle.

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