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What did I miss?

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I’m not the only one who expressed an increasing annoyance with his knowitallism and condescending attitude towards anyone who didnt agree with him.
Every story has 3 sides.
That quick walking, slick talking guitar pickers gonna make a hell of a politician someday.

Regardless, as far as I saw, only one of you attacked personal character and brought family into the mix
Isn’t that part of what is great about this country and especially the forum…

Or at least it is supposed to be that way.

Original thought, difference in opinion, disagreement and the constructive arguments and conversations that come out of those times. Ultimately shouldn’t our goal be to challenge others and ourselves to be the best people we can be.

That by no means says that we should be the same, think the same things, or take stands on the same things. What a boring place that would be. We can disagree with each other and opinions without taking personal shots at people. It’s the $*)Q!#@$ internet after all.

I don’t agree with a lot of you on a lot of political points but would share an elk camp with you in a second and we would have an amazing time. There are a few that I probably agree with almost everything politically but wouldn’t want to share an elk camp. Nothing personal but just different passions, lifestyle choices, and seasons of life.
I pretty much agree, hell, I disagree with some of my best friends on “important” political points.
Perhaps it was a tongue in cheek comment or the internet persona thing but I still think the 90% shouldn’t own guns was a bit too extreme, especially on a hunting forum.
If he truly believes that then he believes that 9 out of 10 of us shouldn’t own firearms….and what would that do to hunting….
I pretty much agree, hell, I disagree with some of my best friends on “important” political points.
Perhaps it was a tongue in cheek comment or the internet persona thing but I still think the 90% shouldn’t own guns was a bit too extreme, especially on a hunting forum.
If he truly believes that then he believes that 9 out of 10 of us shouldn’t own firearms….and what would that do to hunting….
That’s an assumption right. Maybe he is talking about the 9 guys standing in line at cabelas and bass pro. Even if there are a 1000 of us on here. I’m sure there are 9000 others that we would all question their buying of firearms.

Again not my argument. I think we should all be able to own nukes…

But I don’t see anything from that comment that says anyone on here shouldn’t have guns.

Just saying. There are always other perspectives that we don’t always consider.

It’s a daily exercise I try to challenge myself with because… my wife tells me I should…


**edit** I’m not saying I like the exercise but I do think it has made me a better father with daughter. They come at situations and struggles much differently than I do and need a different type of support when struggling than I do.
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I hope Will comes back, I liked his posts (and thanks for the fishing coordinates, dude- I will get there next year).

@DouglasR, you’re a trip on here- I find a lot of your stuff highly entertaining. Up until recently, anyway. I always figured you were joking, but the last few weeks it did get a bit weird. Don’t mean to get too deep here, and I’m not really sure if any of it is serious or not. If it was serious, you gotta just run your own race man. Comparing yourself to others is going to lead to an unhappy life 100% of the time.

If you need help or are struggling with something, hit me up. I will keep it private. If you’re trolling, well done and get bent😎
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I’m not the only one who expressed an increasing annoyance with his knowitallism and condescending attitude towards anyone who didnt agree with him.
Every story has 3 sides.
That quick walking, slick talking guitar pickers gonna make a hell of a politician someday.

For a while I thought you were joking around. I disagree with friends all the time and we give each other shit. If you found it annoying I think you were taking shit personal that didn't really matter 🤷‍♂️. If you're headed to BC this winter skiing swing through north Idaho and I'll buy the beer.
Isn’t that part of what is great about this country and especially the forum…

Or at least it is supposed to be that way.

Original thought, difference in opinion, disagreement and the constructive arguments and conversations that come out of those times. Ultimately shouldn’t our goal be to challenge others and ourselves to be the best people we can be.

That by no means says that we should be the same, think the same things, or take stands on the same things. What a boring place that would be. We can disagree with each other and opinions without taking personal shots at people. It’s the $*)Q!#@$ internet after all.

I don’t agree with a lot of you on a lot of political points but would share an elk camp with you in a second and we would have an amazing time. There are a few that I probably agree with almost everything politically but wouldn’t want to share an elk camp. Nothing personal but just different passions, lifestyle choices, and seasons of life.
This 100%^
I say what I think , but never get upset if someone disagrees with me . I have made people mad and been called names here and other forums , but never get mad .
It's part of the price to play here , and if you get all butt hurt over something , well that's on you .
Also , there is nothing wrong with being wrong , I've admitted being wrong and own my mistakes .
Politics , religion , sex , whatever , I can converse intelligently without emotions getting in the way .
That’s an assumption right. Maybe he is talking about the 9 guys standing in line at cabelas and bass pro. Even if there are a 1000 of us on here. I’m sure there are 9000 others that we would all question their buying of firearms.

Again not my argument. I think we should all be able to own nukes…

But I don’t see anything from that comment that says anyone on here shouldn’t have guns.

Just saying. There are always other perspectives that we don’t always consider.

It’s a daily exercise I try to challenge myself with because… my wife tells me I should…


**edit** I’m not saying I like the exercise but I do think it has made me a better father with daughter. They come at situations and struggles much differently than I do and need a different type of support when struggling than I do.
And another assumption of what he meant. Even if it was the guys at cabelas who’s to say some of them aren’t members here? I’ve bought a couple of rifles from cabelas and maybe I look like an inbred hillbilly. Maybe guys who wear pink hats meet the criteria? See what I’m getting at?

One of my old school instructors use to say “some people’s IQ drops ten points when holding a firearm” and he wasn’t wrong. I’ve taught gunfighting to people going into harms way and also guided hog hunters. Yes, the untrained and uninitiated can do some really dumb stuff but that doesn’t mean they don’t possess the right to own a firearm and learn.

I do try to consider all perspectives and still think he is a very intelligent person but sometimes the higher educated feel superior to us regular joes and he was starting to show his ass. That doesn’t mean I wanted him gone. I would still share a camp with him and talk in person.
He’s killed more elk than I ever will, makes more money and is more formally educated.
I can offer my opinions and experience on cheap bourbon, killing humans and being raised poor.
I hope Will comes back, I liked his posts (and thanks for the fishing coordinates, dude- I will get there next year).

@DouglasR, you’re a trip on here- I find a lot of your stuff highly entertaining. Up until recently, anyway. I always figured you were joking, but the last few weeks it did get a bit weird. Don’t mean to get too deep here, and I’m not really sure if any of it is serious or not. If it was serious, you gotta just run your own race man. Comparing yourself to others is going to lead to an unhappy life 100% of the time.

If you need help or are struggling with something, hit me up. I will keep it private. If you’re trolling, well done and get bent😎
I think maybe the two of them got a little carried away, internet personas. Seeing the last of the locked thread I don’t know, it’s the internet.

You are definitely a good guy and I appreciate you helping me on my elk hunt las year. I’ll never forget it.
And another assumption of what he meant. Even if it was the guys at cabelas who’s to say some of them aren’t members here? I’ve bought a couple of rifles from cabelas and maybe I look like an inbred hillbilly. Maybe guys who wear pink hats meet the criteria? See what I’m getting at?

One of my old school instructors use to say “some people’s IQ drops ten points when holding a firearm” and he wasn’t wrong. I’ve taught gunfighting to people going into harms way and also guided hog hunters. Yes, the untrained and uninitiated can do some really dumb stuff but that doesn’t mean they don’t possess the right to own a firearm and learn.

I do try to consider all perspectives and still think he is a very intelligent person but sometimes the higher educated feel superior to us regular joes and he was starting to show his ass. That doesn’t mean I wanted him gone. I would still share a camp with him and talk in person.
He’s killed more elk than I ever will, makes more money and is more formally educated.
I can offer my opinions and experience on cheap bourbon, killing humans and being raised poor.
Definitely an assumption of what he meant, just used it as an example of an exercise to challenge ourselves.

Not saying anyone is right or wrong.

I just think we have all devolved a bit lately, myself included.

I think it’s a good reality check for all of us to use this platform for productive purposes. Otherwise it’s not much better than Facebook, twitter, etc.
Definitely an assumption of what he meant, just used it as an example of an exercise to challenge ourselves.

Not saying anyone is right or wrong.

I just think we have all devolved a bit lately, myself included.

I think it’s a good reality check for all of us to use this platform for productive purposes. Otherwise it’s not much better than Facebook, twitter, etc.
I agree. Maybe the off-season blues were a little harder on a few of us this year. Especially the newer fathers. Lots of stress involved in moving, new jobs and new kids. I can speak to that experience for sure.
I just think we have all devolved a bit lately, myself included.

I think it’s a good reality check for all of us to use this platform for productive purposes. Otherwise it’s not much better than Facebook, twitter, etc.
In fairness I don't think every post has to be thought provoking or productive. Between my responsibilities to work, my wife, kids, and more it's nice to have a outlet to goof off a bit while reading some great stories and keeping up to date on public and western hunting. Sometimes it's just fun to talk $#!+ with you guy's but there's definitely a way to do that and remain respectful. I don't know what went on between Doug and Will definitely seemed to get personal and cross a line but I don't have the whole story so who knows. Regardless I'd share a camp with either of them.
Like most of you, hoping wllms is just re-booting. Speaking of.. made me think of the strange ways this site and the varied people on it influence our lives in unpredictable ways and how I once wasted a few hours perusing fancy cowboy boots because wllms was going to a texas wedding or something. I neither owned nor needed to own said boots but rabbit holes sometimes choose the rabbit instead of the other way around. Well anyhow, I enjoy the site and all each of you have to offer, and may wllms take some satisfaction that in particular he seems to be appreciated by many and with any luck he decides to emerge from his own rabbit hole at a time, in a place, and in a manner of his choosing.
Speaking of.. made me think of the strange ways this site and the varied people on it influence our lives in unpredictable ways
@Stocker With his dumb freaking stache and then dropping a stud elk for the occasion may or may not have influenced this....don't tell my wife as she hates it but I absolutely ensured her it was necessary for my elk hunt coming up.

@Stocker With his dumb freaking stache and then dropping a stud elk for the occasion may or may not have influenced this....don't tell my wife as she hates it but I absolutely ensured her it was necessary for my elk hunt coming up.

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I’d say you are ready but you haven’t been properly HT influenced in this case, it seems. Combo the scruff with some Pit Vipers and the elk will fall uphill in sight of camp and your wife will come around… I promise! 🤞

Geez… even DougR would probably have known that.

And you can further finish the look with some square toed ostrich boots in honor of wllms if you want to class it up for a night on the town when the huntin’s done.
I’d say you are ready but you haven’t been properly HT influenced in this case, it seems. Combo the scruff with some Pit Vipers and the elk will fall uphill in sight of camp and your wife will come around… I promise! 🤞

Geez… even DougR would probably have known that.

And you can further finish the look with some square toed ostrich boots in honor of wllms if you want to class it up for a night on the town when the huntin’s done.
And did you miss or forget about the pink hat? Or does @Dsnow9 not have those on the shelves yet?
And did you miss or forget about the pink hat? Or does @Dsnow9 not have those on the shelves yet?
I’ve got something for sure! If you are in a state that doesn’t require solid pink or orange though I’ve got the hat! The full blown pink Fanny pack hat is still a work in progress though.
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