What broadhead do you use?

I always use G5 Strikers. For close range hunts like Bear and Moose, I use the 1 1/2 inch magnums. For 40 - 70 yard hunting like like elk and deer, I use the 100 gn strikers. I feel that their QC is as good as anyone else. I have pushed these through shoulder blades, and have them hold together. The magnums leave amazing blood trails.
I always use fixed blade; for turkey, usually Muzzy MX-3 100 grain and anything else; Boltcutter 150 grain broadheads on my 120 pound crossbow.

I don't want to give you a hard time...but, with a username like that I wouldn't think you'd shoot a crossbow...
I have shot a lot of gobblers with a Vortex 2.75" for turkeys. I have also killed them with NAP FOC and Spitfires. The FOC is probably the best head overall but it is 170 grains and I like to streamline all my broadhead weights. I have considered adding a 50 gr and 20 gr GT FACT weight to my insert and switch to 100 gr. heads for deer and elk. That would make everything equal if I removed the 70 gr. insert weights for the FOC.

For deer I will be shooting the NAP Killzone 125 COC. Awesome head. I will shoot Wac em 4 blades for elk.
I've shot a bunch of different ones. Usually end up shooting those made by slick trick.
i use slick tricks. 100gr. magnums. before that the NAP 100gr. thunderheads. never tried to shoot expandable type broad heads. slick tricks work for me, always have, so i haven't seen a purpose to fix something that isn't broken. i know other hunters that use mechanicals, and almost every year those same people are always trying a different mechanical style head, for one reason or another.
Rage and I have been using them way back. I think they were Sonoran broadheads when I bought my first ones. However I will need to change with my first archery elk hunting trip in Wyoming this fall. I am very interested in watching the replies.
The Sonoran Broadhead is now the "Swhacker" ...Love the broadhead..hate the new name. Worked plenty good on my elk..
NAP Thunderhead 100's...for everything....and no issues! I do like the looks of the Montec 100's though...
I'll throw one in for the 125 grain swhacker. with the 2 1/2" cut most animals don't go very far after hit and most drop within sight. Also note you need a good amount of KE for most mechanicals to work good.

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