What a waste of a beautiful animal (and time and money)

I hate hearing things like this you never know who is telling the truth in deals like this, dont get me wrong I stand by game wardens but I know one here in MN tht is the biggest poacher i have ever even heard of and yet he haresses people who have tried to report him. So I do know there are crooked people on both sides of the law
The was clearly a elaborate operation that many people with FWP worked on. This isn't something that a single warden can come up with on his own. It's clear (at least to me) that the "guide/outfitter" was doing some sketchy stuff. I still don't see how he could be acquitted of the charges. I just don't think the extra charges they handed down were worth the warden pulling the trigger on a 204" ram.
Sad......My wife and I applied for that unit that year. I cant imagine how the hunters that drew the permit felt about that whole fiasco.

How much money did FWP spend on the entire investigation? Kind of sounds like they may not quite be done paying yet either......or should I say "we" instead of "they"?
If this entrapment/sting debacle weren 't true it'd be an episode on Reno 911...what a clusterfark.
Courts or no courts..he's still POACHER in my book and his' unethical illegal activities'; use of planes, a team of hired guides, radios, and tresspassing, will now have devastating effects on area sprotsmen far more egregious than any 'sting gone bad' ever could..?!

The fact this man not only got away with it; but also gained the support of idiotic sportsmen who soley focused on the inches (204") of the game itself, played nicely into his' lawyers' ploy ....(complete with paid musciians on YouTube and 'false eyewitness reports in newspapers' by Justice 1776 / aka: "Lewton himself") .....all stupidly followed as if gospel).

Its no wonder we're where we are today; faced with exclusion from where we once hunted -an obvious enemy was amongst us and instead of 'openning our eyes and ears to what the historical accsuations were'.; we instead focused on a few measly inches of horn (on one single animal) ...and will never recover from such an embarrassing blow to our sport as long as we live.

For those who posted religiously about how you 'put in for 608 that year' but were unsuccessful' because fo some assumption you'd have been drawn if not for the 'sting' (absurd); go ahead and save your money next year, or the year after; as the days of asking for permission in that region are offically over.

I never thought on an outdoor sportsmens-forum I'd be venting 'too the enemy', until this last post....we are our own, and I'm now convinced of it more than ever.

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I love how stating the fact that an amazing animal was needlessly killed leads to me supporting poachers and ruining the hunting opportunities for all hunters. My fault.
For those who posted religiously about how you 'put in for 608 that year' but were unsuccessful' because fo some assumption you'd have been drawn if not for the 'sting' (absurd); go ahead and save your money next year, or the year after; as the days of asking for permission in that region are offically over.


That's not true. We made 5 separate trips up there last fall, spent probably 12-15 days total..talked to several landowners. All the landowners I met were great. Everyone we asked, gave us permission to hunt. We saw a lot of sheep on the private ground. As long as you go about it the right way, you shouldn't have any problem getting on private ground up there. That being said..there is no reason you need to have private land permission in that unit. We saw way more sheep on public, and my dad killed his ram on public.
That's not true. We made 5 separate trips up there last fall, spent probably 12-15 days total..talked to several landowners. All the landowners I met were great. Everyone we asked, gave us permission to hunt. We saw a lot of sheep on the private ground. As long as you go about it the right way, you shouldn't have any problem getting on private ground up there. That being said..there is no reason you need to have private land permission in that unit. We saw way more sheep on public, and my dad killed his ram on public.

Thats good news, glad I'm wrong in that regard. Hope it stays that way as I (and believe BigFin was also) told by FWP and some landowners up there it could go differently on certain tracts for access to otehr game as well; if he was fouind not guilty:confused:?

As far as taking big rams up there on public land I agree, it is attainable and I hope to someday do so myself. I'm still not sure why tresspassing charges are filed against one individual so many times though if one doesn't need to tresspass in the first place?

...Unless of course ones not satisfied with anything less than the biggest ram in the state?

Moe, I think you should sack up, head on over to Lewton's house and tell him what you think, face to face. Save the ranting jibberish on the internet.

Aquitted of all charges and the details are pretty lame, to say the least.

Maybe FWP could set aside 10% of the moose, sheep, goat quotas for future investigations.

Maybe you should address me face to face too; since you seem to have alot to say to me online lately!?

I'm easy to find and often bored, 310 N 21st. Introduce yourself as shit-for-brains so I know who I'm talking to.
Moe, I like you.... Just one question... 2 parts.

Do you live in Ohio and do you dress up as a Corporal on the weekends ?
Is Moe working? I expected a response by now. The anticipation is killing me.
Moe, I like you.... Just one question... 2 parts.

Do you live in Ohio and do you dress up as a Corporal on the weekends ?

He does seem to share many of the personality traits of the Imaginary Corporal. . . .

But, I think Moe's idea of cooking is putting more hot dogs on the roller-cooker at the Kwik-E-Mart and making sure there are plenty of frozen burritos stocked between the Energy Drinks and the 1-liter soda bottles....

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