What a hunt!

That is a GREAT bull for any state. Did you mean was missing a 7th point? Looks like a 6x7 to me..
I think he's a pretty decent bull for Colorado public land! I just hope I don't have to wait another 18 years for one this big.

Pretty decent would be an understatement! And if you had to wait another 18yrs. wouldn't be all that bad....a lot of people go a lifetime without a Bull like that. Congrats to ya....awesome lookin' Bull!
What a stud bull! Congrats! After 18 years I think you've earned it.
Awesome bull man, one of the best I've seen online anywhere this year. Big time congrats. Draw tag or OTC?
Thanks, still can't beleive my luck! The skull is cleaned, and bleached ready for hanging at the ol cabin.

It was a draw unit like all muzz units, but not many points... like 1-2 :)

The "unofficial" tape came out to 364, but I have to say, it was one of the most impressive bulls I've ever seen. The mass he carries is crazy. Like AZ said, any unit, any state, any weapon, I would have shot this bull! Even in Utardville.

I think it will take me at least 6 months to come off the high, maybe more. :D I'm hoping it will carry over till next year when I draw a great muley tag.
Great bull, glad you got him. Hope you get that tag for muley that you are wanting.