Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

What a great season... so far!


New member
Aug 29, 2010
This has been one of the best season I have had, and it is because of these two crazy kids! I have always tried to get my kids involved as much as possible. This is the first year that they have been ready, and able to pick up their guns and head out with me. We have been working hard on getting them ready and comfortable.
Opening day it was decided that my youngest daughter (10yrs old) would shoot first. We were on the trail before light and started working our way up the mountain before shooting light. We hadn't seen much as we worked our way through the timber. As we approached a large opening I saw a couple deer working their way across the open hill side. We got her in position (several times). She finally settled in and felt comfortable, and made an outstanding shot. I had ranged it at 275 yards and she made a perfect one shot kill. I couldn't have been happier! We spent the rest of the morning boning him out, and headed home.


Fast forward another week and my oldest daughter (11yrs old) and I were getting a little tired of all of the heckling that we were getting from my daughter about having already filled her tag. ;) We decided we better get serious about filling a tag or two to shut her up. we worked our way up the mountain in the dark hoping to be above the animals as the sun came up, so we could catch them moving up to their bedding area. We saw a few does moving around, and bumped a small buck. We were glassing and caught three bulls moving through the trees in the bottom. They were headed straight up the draw that we were sitting on. I told my daughter that if we stayed right where we were that they should pop out right in front of us. It took them some time for the bulls to work their way up. I got her all set up and tried to keep her calm. We decided that she would take the first one and I would take the second one on the count of three. Before too long I could see the tips of their antlers coming over the rise. They popped out 90 yards in front of us, and stopped broad side. I counted, and boom! Her bull dropped in his tracks! The bull I shot took off, but only made it 80 yards before piling up. This is an experience that I will remember for ever! We called in some help, and it took us all day to get them cut up and back to the truck. As a side note, I'm not sure that I will kill two at a time again!

I'm one proud dad! These two had a great time, and these are memories we will talk about forever! Oh, and it did quiet my younger daughter down about not filling our tags! ;)
Wow, a simultaneous double on elk. A wonderful fall with your best hunting partners ever.
Wow! Now that's getting it done. Good for you and the girls. Congrats!
Well done girls - and dad! How cool is that?!
Now all three have some well earned bragging rights!
Very cool congrats ! But come on dad taking the bigger bull ? What tha??? ;)
WOW... not sure how you will EVER top that!

BTW, both girls have better bucks/bulls than I have EVER shot!
Awesome! I love it when kids get out there. Especially the young ladies!
so awesome!! great pics.
my little girl is 3 1/2 and she is joining us for the MN deer opener this weekend. We are heading out to MT over Thanksgiving to chase elk/deer with grandpa and grandma and she is already packing her stuff. it was funny because i tried to put her pink camo coat on her for daycare and she said she couldn't wear it because she was going to wear it to montana...haha. thanks for sharing your story, as this gets me so excited to share similar experiences with her.
I got them a youth 308 Savage. It fits them both really well, and obviously has enough knock down power.
Very cool congrats ! But come on dad taking the bigger bull ? What tha??? ;)

I knew that comment was coming! I had no idea what order those bulls were going to come out of the draw in. By the time they came out the top there wasn't time to change the plan... I'm not too upset he was the second bull in line. ;)