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Water holes?


New member
Aug 22, 2016
Over the weekend we watched elk watering in the evening just before dark so we set up in on water in the evenings did spot and stalk in the mornings and i just wanted to know if any one here has had luck hunting over water in the mornings or even mid day or is better to hunt water in the evenings also we had temps ranging from 97 to 50s if that helps any info or ideas would be great thanks
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It makes for a boring hunt so to speak. But it can be damn effective. In my experience they hit the water just before they go to bed in the morning. Water a couple times throughout the day. And when they're on their way out for the evening.

Some of the biggest bulls I've seen are from guys that take them off of tanks in the middle of the day. Bulls during peak rut need to water very often. I thought I remember a video Randy did that explained this. If you can stay with the herd and have the wind when they bed for the day. That herd bull will go to water leaving himself vulnerable. If you hunt a tank in the morning. Do not leave early. Wait way longer than you think you should.

Biggest bull I have on camera hit a tank at 10:30 am. Came in alone. The one morning nobody was there after making sure someone was for the previous 4 days and getting skunked
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