Caribou Gear

Was this a normal year for elk?

51 weeks of training, talking and thinking about them, and one week of euphoria...whether you connect or not.
Seemed way busier than normal. I ran into crowds everywhere I went. I even took a day off this last week to go upland hunting and ran into a half dozen rigs for a weekday.
The weather seemed off. A warm dry September in Montana, followed by a harsh, extreme cold, start to rifle in late October, only to be followed by a dry November with above average temps. It appeared to impact elk travel through migration cooridors in the areas I was hunting, but I agree with all those who said that elk hunting is never truly predictable from year to year.
90-degree weather for much of September, 3x as many hunters as I typically see, elk not in the usual spots, blizzard and zero degrees to start rifle season, sunny and warm to finish it. This year was anything but normal for me.

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